"There's a retired businessman named Red,
cast down from heaven and he's out of his head.
He feeds off of everyone that he can touch,
He said he only deals in cash,
or sells tickets to a plane crash ... "
– Bob Dylan
"Foot of Pride"

Some of the most important leads in the 5191 mystery are found in the closed loop of Lexington's corporate and equine aristocracy – the same "prominent" rich folk who ran the 2005 Kentucky Derby – and even an answer or two.

Before entering politics, John Y. III was director of franchising at Roasters Corp. [his father's chain] and summer associate for the law firms of Brown, Todd & Heyburn and Stoll, Keenon & Park – a Lexington law firm that lost a senior partner in the Comair crash, Leslie W. Morris, Jr. and his wife Kaye.

Small town ... William M. Lear, Jr. – Flight 5191 casualty MARCIE THOMASON'S UNCLE – also a board member of the Kentucky World Trade Center and former chairman of the state House of Representatives – is the managing founder of the Lexington office of the Stoll, Keenan & Park law firm, currently Stoll Keenon Ogden.302

The for-profit ResCare is a diamond in the Lexington Sopranos' corporate bauble case. Long-time CEO and president of ResCare until his retirement in June was Ronald G. Geary, a graduate of Cincinnati Bible College and Seminar, current chairman of Ellis Park under Churchill Downs (William Farish was chairman until he left to take the UK ambassadorial post under GW Bush in 2001) – also a cabinet appointee in Governor Brown's administration.
In a recent interview, Geary discussed his recruitment by ResCare:
"Geary remembers well the five-hour lunch meeting he had in 1989 with the company's founder, James Fornear." The meeting, which Geary said was a turning point in his life, focused on recruiting [him] to help the struggling company, which had less than $65 million in revenue and faced the prospect of bankruptcy.
"At the time, Geary, a former secretary of revenue in Kentucky Gov. John Y. Brown's administration, did not know much about ResCare and the services it provided, primarily as an operator of Job Corps centers for the U.S. Department of Labor. But he saw an opportunity, he said, to turn around the business and grow it into a publicly traded company. ... [Governon] Brown had advised Geary that if he ever had a chance to take a company public -- as Brown did with Kentucky Fried Chicken Co., now part of Louisville-based Yum Brands Inc. – he should follow that opportunity. So Geary joined ResCare in 1990 as president and took the job as CEO in 1993."304
ResCare's business largely depends upon federal largesse through SAMHSA – Steve McElravy's office interacted directly with Geary's company, which offers alcohol and drug rehabilitation and counseling services – Medicare, Medicaid and state disability programs.
It could be argued that some good, at least, has come of the symbiosis: it has expanded the job market for headline-writers ...
State recovers $2.15M in Medicaid fraud case
Dallas Business Journal
June 14, 2005

"The Attorney General's office says Citadel, between Jan.1, 2000, and Nov. 6, 2002, shortchanged Medicaid by billing for full-time counseling while providing services only a fraction of that time. The state's complaint also said the staff at the facility threw parties every Friday and billed Medicaid as if they were providing counseling services.... "305

Theresa Rodriguez, a ResCare patient, filed suit after she was nearly killed in a ResCare nursing home, according to her attorneys: "Theresa Rodriguez, a conservatee of the San Mateo County Public Guardian, currently is in an acute care unit at a hospital. She cannot communicate nor eat and is being kept alive on a feeding tube. ... Ms. Rodriguez suffered second and third degree burns on her genitals, thighs, stomach and lower back when she was put in a shower for 20 minutes with scalding, 130 to 135-degree temperature water on May 5, 2004 at the ResCare California Inc. facility on McGarvey Avenue in Redwood City. The injuries were compounded by staff who put her in a bed and left her alone for three and one-half hours before calling 911, the suit said. Following the 911 call, she was airlifted to a hospital burn unit where she was on a life support system for two months. The suit, filed in San Mateo County Superior Court in January 2006, also alleges a new water heater had been installed at the facility only days before the incident, that employees knew it was malfunctioning – producing 130 to 135-degree hot water -- and did nothing to remedy the problem. The suit said the staffer who put Ms. Rodriguez into the shower "was untrained and unqualified to work" with the victim.
"This is a heartbreaking situation that would never have happened if proper staffing and training had been maintained," said Niall P. McCarthy of CPS&M.
"'Unfortunately, this case is only the tip of the iceberg of abuse in nursing and care homes.'"307

Geary retired as CEO from management of ResCare on June 22, 2006 but stayed on as non-executive board chairman. Two years ago, Geary steered the company into a fascinating – in context of the Comair crash – contract – a $50.5 million deal with the Canada equity firm Onex Partners LP. On March 10, 2004, the business trades reported that ResCare, Inc. entered into a transaction with Onex to purchase $50.5 million of the company stock. Onex "will be entitled to appoint or nominate four new members to the board of directors, replacing four retiring board members."308 Two of the newly installed directors at ResCare: Robert M. Le Blanc (a managing director of Onex Corp.. formerly of Berkshire Hathaway. He is the lead director of Magellan Health Services, Inc., a provider of behavioral healthcare treatments.), and Nigel S. Wright (a managing director since 1997. He formulated policy as a cabinet appointee of the prime minister of Canada).
This was a very significant development for several reasons. In September, 1995, Onex Food Services bought Caterair from the Carlyle Group for $500 million – roughly $150 million less than Carlyle paid for it. Michael Moore's 9/11 timeline summed up the Caterair scandal:
January 1989—Six days after his term as secretary of defense ended, Frank Carlucci joins the Carlyle Group.
July 1989—Marriott Corp. [owned by Fred Malek] sells its In-Flite Services catering business to Marriott’s upper management. Carlyle invests in the deal, renames the company Caterair, and loses millions when the airline catering business evaporates in the early 1990s.
February 1990—George W. Bush joins Caterair board at the behest of Fred Malek, a good friend of his father’s. Bush would later drop his disastrous experience with Caterair from his resume when he runs for governor of Texas in 1994.

Onex is also significant for its purchase, in collaboration with Goldman Sachs, of Raytheon Aircraft Company, formerly Beech Aircraft, in December 2006.

Raytheon is based in Wichita, Kansas – the home of Bill Giltner, Jr. Remember him – the horse-tender who took a job at Bentley Farms a few days before the crash and quit the day after (NOT the 9/11 researcher of the same name, who lives in Austin) – the sole witness to the Comair crash?
News reports published within a few days of the disaster mentioned, " ... Giltner said he flew small planes during the 1970s when he worked for BEECH AIRCRAFT CORP ... "
Quite a concidence. Raytheon Aircraft Corp. IS Beech Aircraft since it was bought out. In fact, Identification of the two is so commonplace that Onex filed the investment papers under the name of Hawker Beechcraft Corp.310
Raytheon placed its aircraft division on the block in July – one month before the Lexington crash. Was Giltner recruited by a white-collar intelligence operator at Raytheon – with a board of directors heavily represented by former Beech execs – to "witness" the "accidental" crash of Flight 5191?

302.) Brett Barrouquere, "A wife, teacher, an attorney among those killed in crash," AP, Aug 28, 2006.
303.) http://investor.rescare.com/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=rscr
304.) Ed Green, Geary reflects on his years at ResCare, Business First, June 16, 2006.
304.) See http://www.contac.org/contaclibrary/research8.htm.
305.) Anon., "State recovers $2.15M in Medicaid fraud case," Dallas Business Journal, June 14, 2005.
306.) Jane Birnbaum, "Under President Bush's proposals for massive privatization of federal jobs, corporations are the big winners—while consumers, taxpayers and workers pay the price," AFL-CIO web site, January 2003.
307.) Rodriguez case history, "Crochett, Pitre, Simon & McCarthy" (law firm) web site.
308.) Anon., "ResCare gets $50.5 million investment from Onex Partners," Business first, March 10, 2004.
309.) Martin J. Rivers, "A Wolf in Sheikhs Clothing: Bush Business Deals with 9 Partners of bin Laden's Banker," GlobalResearch, March 2004.
Also see, Maggie Mulvihill, Jonathan Wells and Jack Meyers, "Slick deals: the White House connection – Saudi 'agents' close Bush Friends," Boston Herald, December 11, 2001.
310.) Ken Vandruff, "Analyst: Raytheon sale good news for Wichita," Wichita BizJournals web site, December 18, 2006.