Gus W. Weiss
Top Secret Advisor To Four Presidents Dies 'Violently' In DC
From 'DC' Dave Martin
Gus W. Weiss, 72, adviser to four presidents on top secret policy matters, died violently in Washington, DC, on November 25, 2003, but his death was not reported by The Washington Post until December 7, 2003, in the obitiuary section at the bottom of page C12. His home town newspaper, The Nashville Tennessean, was only a week late in reporting his death, but at that late date all they could say was, "The circumstances surrounding his death could not be confirmed last night."..
...''He was wired into the intelligence community, and there were a lot of mystical secrets we weren't privy to,' said Harris Gilbert, a Nashville attorney who had been friends with Mr. Weiss since childhood. 'He was very interested in diplomatic strategy and was VERY, VERY OPPOSED TO THE IRAQ WAR. It was the first military action he ever opposed, but he believed we shouldn't go to war in the Middle East without knowing what we were getting into.'... "
Gordon Hess
998: National Guard Capt. Gordon Hess was found dead with more than 20 stab wounds. An Army examiner concluded that his death was a suicide.
A later investigator examined the body and concluded Hess was murdered. The examinations relied largely on prior reports, including photos.
On Wednesday, March 4, 1998 at approximately 0810 Hours, the body of Captain Gordon Hess was found in a ravine on a military base.
Captain Gordon Hess, a white male, 38 years old was a National Guard Company Commander on Active Reserve duty at Fort Knox, Kentucky. A search party had been assigned to locate the missing captain, who had been reported missing by his company commander.
While the team was searching the ravine, they came upon his body. The Captain was laying face down in the creek, which contained about an inch of bloody water. The soldiers rolled the body over so that Captain Hess’s head and shoulders were out of the water and up on the bank. The Captain’s face was purple, and the body appeared stiff. There was blood on Captain Hess’s PT gray sweat top over his chest area and a small hole through Captain Hess’s PT sweat top about center mass around the breastbone area.
The soldiers lifted the body out of the ravine and placed it on the bank and covered Captain Hess’s head and upper chest with his field jacket. According to the witnesses report no one else touched the body.
Captain Hess’s arms were clenched up towards his chest and that his body was lying straight out in the bottom of the ravine. There were a total of four soldiers. Not one ever saw a knife or any weapon at the scene. However, the Army later provided crime scene photos showing a Leatherman knife at the scene, which was covered with a large oak leaf.
An autopsy was performed on Thursday, March 5, 1998 by Doctor Peter W. Schilke, Major, USAF, MC Deputy Medical Examiner.
The cause of death was Multiple stab wounds of the chest and neck. The manner of death was SUICIDE. ...
More: http://practicalhomicide.com/articles/equivocaldeath.htm