District Of Columbia, Washington, United States
pn1020435.worldbank.org (
dhcp-1-138-220-34-101.worldbank.org (
dhcp-0-138-220-164-100.worldbank.org (
I tracked them with my TIA software. And who's this?
pool-71-126-128-26.washdc.fios.verizon.net (
My agents are combing Washington, DC for the answer - could be a communist or agent of Saddam Hussein, so i'm issuing a BROWN ALERT - this one means that we should start soiling our pants.
The World Bank has been informed that their chief executive is a Nazi slug. Let's see if they do anything about it.

Article: "World Bank's Robert B. Zoellick is from the Nazified German Marshall Fund," by Alex Constantine
- AC
Brussell Sprout
Stop the Killing