Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists, Part 27: "No Such Agency" Reboots for Terror

By Alex Constantine
(with gratitude to Stanley Hilton and Team8
for establishing some of the leads followed
in this section.)

General Strangelove and the Pirates

Michael Hayden - "Hitler" Hayden to NSA staffers - was an Air Force careerist before crossing to the civilian side in 1999 to run the NSA. It began in 1970 with a two-year stint as an analyst and briefer at the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command, Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. Two years later he was promoted to chief of the Current Intelligence Division at Andersen AFB in Guam. He took further training in intelligence under the tutelage of the DIA, 1979-80, and a series of intelligence posts around the world before appointment to the position of director of the NSA in Fort Meade, Maryland. That was in March 1999.

A good restructuring of the agency was at the top of the incoming director's list of priorities. Among Hayden's very first acts as director was putting the wrecking ball to the old system of management at the NSA. It its place rose a corporate structure. He initiated a "Hundred Days of Change." Then then-Lieutenant General Hayden mustered a corporate-style board of directors with himself in the position of savvy CEO.

The NSA was managed by a core of eight members, the famed "Breakfast Club," including Hayden, his deputy director and chief of staff, the heads of NSA's two operating divisions, the general counsel, chief financial officer, and the acquisition executive.1

"We are bringing in more leadership from the outside," Hayden boasted. External managers, he reasoned, were critical to overhauling an agency that had long "resisted change." Hayden trimmed down the NSA's Senior Executive Service staff by firing 100 or so, and hiring 28 senior corporate executives in their place. Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) in El Segundo, CA, and Logicon, a Northrop Grumman subsidiary, assumed management of the Agency's nonmission-critical computer nets.2 Any assignment that did not involve the breaking or devising of codes was farmed out to private contractors.

One of the new programs introduced by Hayden was "Trailblazer," the agency's "premiere effort," Washington Technology reported warmly, "to update its communications surveillance and eavesdropping infrastructure to better handle global technologies."

But there was a public Trailblazer, and a covert program by the same name that predates - but incorporated - Hayden's Trailblazer program at NSA. The code-name also referred to the Strategic Defense Initiative, according to the 9/11 researchers at Team8.

The Cold War was history. This new enemy was evasive, devious, exquisitely trained in emerging technologies - he used cell phones. "Every time a Soviet plane took off, NSA knew about it. It was pretty easy to track," author James Bamford said. "Now they have to track people who use cell phones, pay phones and calling cards." Yes, the new breed of terrorist was a cunning creature.

In 2001 and 2002, Hayden handed two contracts worth a combined $197 million to Conquest Inc. of Annapolis Junction, Md., for systems engineering on Trailblazer.

After 9/11, a team led by SAIC in San Diego won a $280 million contract for a 'technology demonstration platform' under the project. Others on the team include Boeing Co., Booz Allen Hamilton (in 2001, the firm adopted a catchy new slogan for its business: "global strategy and technology consulting"), Northrop Grumman, CSC, and former SAIC subsidiary Telcordia Technologies.3

SAIC would soon bask in profits derived from the American Reichstag. The notorious high-security, high-tech firm was also undergoing a major shake-up at the time. Stephen Pizzo reported in October 2003 that the SAIC's board was reconstituted. The Cold Warriors were banished, "former Nixon Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, Ex-CIA Director Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense William Perry, and former CIA Director John Deutch. They have been replaced by people with more timely contacts, such as SAIC director Gen. Wayne Downing (US Army retired). Before the war Downing served as a lobbyist for the US-backed Iraqi National Congress and its head, Ahmad Chalabi." Downing, together with Bechtel director George Shultz, Khashoggi's brother-in-arms at the Shrine of the Holy Fraternal Order of Iran-Contra Felons, served on the board of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. Well before G.W. Bush sent troops to unseat Saddam Hussein and substitute his primitive, barbarous torture chambers with clean, efficient American torture chambers, SAIC was already there, paving the way for democracy and war crime.

The mountain of lucrative NSA contracts begins with William Owens. Owens is a former president, chief operating officer and vice chair of SAIC. He was also a key member of Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board. Pizzo: "To say the Defense Policy Board's membership tips to the right would not be an overstatement. Among its members; Ken Adelman ... Newt Gingrich, Richard Perle, Dan Quayle and Bechtel senior vice president, retired Army General Jack Sheehan... Some of SAIC's work comes through sub-contracts with defense firm, Vinnell Corp., a subsidiary of TRW. One of those contracts involved advising the Saudi Royal family on security matters. Vinnell is a leader in training foreign military forces to U.S. standards." The company advertises for military veterans "able to train the Saudis in battalion operations, the Bradley fighting vehicle, anti-tank weapons and physical security to guard against terrorist attacks. Noteworthy: In March the General Services Administration awarded SAIC the contract to upgrade the GSA with telecommunications systems. SAIC Telcordia Technologies subsidiary was awarded the three-year contract (with five one-year options to renew). David Kay, another SAIC executive with connections to Iraq, was a former UN weapons inspector hired by CIA to lead the effort to track down Hussein's dreaded "WMDs" arsenal. He was also Stephen "FBI Person of Interest" Hatfill's boss.

"Going under the name 'The Eagle Alliance,' the contract was managed by Computer Sciences Corp. and San Diego-based Science Applications International (SAIC)," Pizzo writes.5

The Eagle Alliance (an organization of 1,000 companies with Homeland Security contracts) web site states that this mess is "a joint venture of Computer Sciences Corporation and Northrop Grumman Corporation solely dedicated to supporting the intelligence community."6 The president of AE the day of the air strikes was Edward Boykin. Forbes reports that from 1996-98, Boykin was president of a CSC division that provided information technology outsourcing to J.P. Morgan.7 In March 2003, CSC acquired DynCorp - one of the most corrupt companies on earth - for $950 million.8 Van B. Honeycutt, CEO of Computer Sciences, announced the acquisition, and the combined companies' objectives - “to strengthen our leadership position in the US federal marketplace, augment our capabilities to support the requirements of the new Homeland Security Department and respond to the federal government’s initiative to increase its reliance on service providers.”9 After 9/11, Mr. Van Honeycutt went on chair the President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee under the Department of Homeland Security.

Reconfiguring the Puzzle Palace

The government was apparently listening to Honeycutt. In the mid-1990s, some 20 companies conducted roughly 85 percent of the agency's contract work. The figure rose to 140 by 2001; currently, the NSA contracts with 2,690 businesses.10 Over 1,000 of them are in Maryland.11

Among Hayden's first recruits to the NSA revamping project was shifty-eyed Harry D. Gatanas, a retired Army general with 30 plus years in the military and intelligence community. He is a former commanding general at the US Army White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.12 White Sands, the cliched "best kept secret in the Army," was founded in 1945 to test experimental rockets. A week after the Army took over White Sands, the first atomic bomb was set off within its perimeters. Today, it is the largest military installation in the country. Hayden's choice for procurement officer was not exactly a bureaucratic paper shuffler - Gatanas was a missile testing specialist.

It was all very incestuous, of course. Booz Allen Hamilton, the lead contractor for Trailblazer, employed a number of Agency veterans at the time, including VP Mike McConnell, who retired as director of the NSA "Puzzle Palace" in 1996. Ralph Shrader, CEO of BAH, joined the firm in 1978 after leaving senior positions at Western Union and RCA, both of which joined gleefully in the NSA's Operation Shamrock. SI International, a computer software engineering company with NSA contracts, hired Gatanas to manage its multi-million-dollar contracts with the intelligence sector and the DoD. SAIC is run by executives with bona fides in military intelligence, including COO Duane Andrews, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence.13

An important puzzle piece fell into place eight months after the events of 9/11 when former NRO Director Keith R. Hall joined Booz Allen Hamilton. Hall, according to the firm's web site, wasd put in charge of designing "a strategic intelligence initiative to integrate activities across the firm's intelligence community clients." Hall's stature "in the national intelligence community is second to none, and we are very pleased he chose to join Booz Allen," said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ralph W. Shrader. "In a time when our national security infrastructure is facing such important and difficult challenges, Keith's depth of experience and proven leadership will make a significant contribution to the support we provide for our clients."

Before joining Booz Allen, Hall devoted 32 years to an intelligence career that culminated with his assignment as the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Space).14

The corporate-military back door still turns for Trailblazer contractors. In 2003, Asia Times reported that SAIC held domain over the Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council (IRDC): "The 150 mostly-expatriate Iraqis employed in the program" would serve as the
"Iraqi face" of the "occupation authority": "Senior members of the IRDC, many of who have been closely associated with the INC, hold posts at each of Iraq's 23 ministries with a mandate to rebuild them." Christopher R. Henry, SAIC's VP for strategic assessment and development, joined Rumsfeld's DoD as deputy undersecretary of defense for policy just as the IRDC formed." He worked with Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith.

Another of the Hayden's key Trailblazers, the Vinnell Corporation, was placed in charge of national guard training in the Saudi empire.15

The NSA's hundred-day, corporate makeover campaign was code-named Project Groundbreaker. Harry D. Gatanas told a computer newsletter in 2002 that funding for Groundbreaker was drawn from funds partially “derived by transferring 1,100 personnel billets" ("billet": military term for an assignment) from the NSA to El Segundo's Computer Sciences Corp.16 (CSC is still up to its polished-boardroom-sagging-corporate-chins in fascist intrigues. In May 2006, Frederick, Maryland's DVC, a division of CSC, split a $41 million contract with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to conduct clinical trials of an avian flu vaccine - for a disease that shows no sign at all of evolving into the lethal contagion predicted by the CDC and the mass media.)17

The ground was broken and the trail blazed for the horror show of September 11, 2001.



1) George Cahlink, "Breaking the Code," Government Executive, September 1, 2001,

2) Ibid.

3) Alice Lipowicz, "Trailblazer loses its way," Washington Technology, Vol. 20 No. 18, September 12, 2005.

4) Stephen Pizzo, "Divvying up the Iraq Pie," Alternet, October 7, 2003.

5) Ibid.

6) Eagle Alliance site: http://www.csc.com/mms/eaglealliance/en/

7) See: http://www.forbes.com/finance/mktguideapps/personinfo/FromMktGuideIdPersonTearsheet.jhtml?passedMktGuideId=267758

8) For more on DynCorp's trail of artrocites and federal contracts, see: http://www.publicintegrity.org/wow/bio.aspx?act=pro&ddlC=17

9) Greg Guma, "The Quiet Rise of National Security, Inc.," Toward Freedom web site.

10) George Cahlink, "Security agency doubled procurement spending in four years,"June 1, 2004. GovExec.com.

11) Ellen McCarth, "NSA Is Making No Secret of Its Technology Intent," Washington Post, June 24, 2004.

12) SI International web page: http://ir.si-intl.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=131784&p=IROL-govBio&t=Regular&id=141355&

13) Tim Shorrock, "Watching What You Say," The Nation, March 20, 2006.

14) "Former NRO Director Joins Booz Allen As Vice President," Booz Allen Hamilton site, May 14, 2002.

15) Katrin Dauenhauer and Jim Lobe, "Massive military contractor's media mess," Asia Times, August 16, 2003.

16) Dawn S. Onley, "How to Fund It," Government Computer News, February 18, 2002.

17) Bruce Japsen, "Baxter awaits Indonesia vaccine deal," Chicago Tribune, May 25, 2006.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Nico Haupt on the Bottom Line of 9/11

This note concerning feasible motives for Black Tuesday came by e-mail:

"There were many players in PNAC who were looking out for Israel exclusively JMHO and will involve the US to
protect their interests. ... "

Anyone who has toured the many 9/11 sites on the Net has been struck by the interminable arguments over who was ultimately responsible for 9/11. Passionate debates have raged for years within the movement over whether the American Reichstag was run by Mossad deceivers, CIA gunz 'n' drugz globe-trotters, Rumsfeld's DoD, Cheney's bunker, Syrian mullahs, etc. (I've been writing about Khashoggi a great deal, and my intention is to explain how the Arab/Iran-contra-players side of the operation ties to the inner 9/11, and in one section on the "Black Octopus" gave a glimpse of the beast.)

NSA under Hayden and SAIC under a group of ranking intelligence people wrote the script for 9/11, and had control over the operation. I recently came to this conclusion because connections to these two military-industrial enclaves recur in the most sensitive areas of the operation. Recently, I discovered that Nico Haupt was also saying the NSA and SAIC were behind it. Haupt makes a distinction between the 9/11 "plotline" and the actual military operation. So I've been reading his articles and following his leads. His latest installment discusses theories on the net "identifying" ethnic and political groups presumably responsible, and how this steers us away from the core of it.


NSA/SAIC is the beating heart of the actual "special operation," so the collective investigation of the 9/11truth movement ought to focus on it and its tentacles - but the movement is occupied with Israeli art students, Arab drug runners, Saudi oilmen, Cheney's bunker, wargames, etc., all of which have roles, but the core of the thing was NSA - which you rarely read about except in relation to Able Danger, a loudly-trumpeted, Neo-Con generated "scandal" (Fox News and NewsMax ahead of the pack jounralists) that blames Clinton for not preventing 9/11 - and SAIC, which also hasn't been examined in the detail that we hear of, say, the "Mossad" college-age art students. So to get to the bottom of it, we need to shift the focus to NSA/SAIC and its NGO and GO appendages, and not linger on the sideshows ...

Nico Haupt:


... Right after 9/11, self-appointed "Mossad researchers" often end up in debates on historical research from over 2000-3000 years ago, which is even more effective. The 'CIA distraction' also helps to stir a fight between?the supporters of the 'mossad'
distraction' and the 'CIA-NWO' sensationalists, often also accused as "zionists", especially if you deny ANY complicity of the Mossad. But what has 'complicity' to do with the actual performance of the inside operation?

Basically the same complicity of the so called '9/11 cover-up' can also be easily constructed with the Dutch-, German-, Saudi- or Pakistani intelligence.

The result is an endless debate on whether the one or other agency had more or less participation into 9/11. What almost noone realizes, all these 'complicities' refer in the majority to the plotline, not the military operation.

Therefore it doesn't matter if either CIA, BND, MOSSAD, Dutch Intelligence or "Able Danger" "observed" or "impostered" the alleged hijackers. It all represents just the 'plotline' and distracts from?the controlled demolition or the so called "controversial" TV fakery research.??(http://www.911closeup.com/nico/FAQ_planehuggers.html )??The "CIA connection" was also designed to distract from the Private Military- and intelligence Contractors (PMCs), which already replaced and dominated U.S. Intelligence anyway. ...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists, Part XXVI: The Return of Egyptian Intelligence

By Alex Constantine

Egypt loathes Israel, the enmity is mutual, and tensions were exacerbated early on, in July 1954, when Israel bombed Egypt. The New York Times reported that the Israelis tried to pin responsibility on the Muslim Brotherhood.

From the Cooperative Research web site 9/11 timeline:

"Bombs explode in British and American cultural centers and libraries, and in post offices in Alexandria and Cairo. The campaign ends when a bomb explodes prematurely in the pocket of an Israeli agent who is about to plant it in a British-owned cinema. The plan is to damage the relations between Egypt and the US and Britain by placing the blame for the bombings on the Muslim Brotherhood.... An initial inquiry places blame on the Minister of Defense, Pinhas Lavon, but a subsequent inquiry authorized by Sharett finds that Lavon was set up using forged documents, and that the true author of the false-flag attack was none other than David Ben Gurion, the “father of the Israeli State" (NY Times, April 30, 1975; NY Times, January 11, 1955) These events, which later become known as the Lavon Affair, will be documented in the diaries of Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett." (Source: http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?item=western_support_for_islamic_militancy_2026)

After the speedway deaths of the Dodi Al-Fayed and the Princess of Wales in 1997, the press noticed in passing that Adnan Khassoghi is the brother-in-law of Mohamed Al-Fayed, a former business partner of Cairo attorney El-Amir Atta, father of accused hijacker Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta. Al-Fayed was a veteran of the same American Pinay Circle that recruited Adnan Khashoggi to its ranks. Back in 1953, GHW Bush, whose name would be linked to Khashoggi's in the Iran-contra affair, and Al-Fayed were directors of the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Both Bush and Al-Fayed were coevals of George de Mohrenschildt, a Nazi spy during WW II, according to FBI records, and later Lee Harvey Oswald's sponsor in the United States after his return from the Soviet Union. I

"The Al-Fayeds - Mohamed, Ali and Salah - are members of one of Egypt's most distinguished families, and have had a close association with Britain. The origins of their wealth go back to 1876 when their grandfather began business in Egypt, shipping cotton to Liverpool. The brothers were raised in Alexandria and educated at British schools...." Sunday Telegraph, March 3, 1985

In June 1964, according to a number of CIA memos, Al-Fayed and some half dozen others had dinner party at the Haitian enclave of George de Mohrenschildt and his wife, Jeanne. At this time, Al-Fayed's citizenship was a mystery. A CIA investigation into friends and associations of de Mohrenschildt determined that Al-Fayed was a citizen of the "United Arab Republic," the name President Gamal Nasser (another Nazi collaborator, but one who had no use for the Muslim Brotherhood) bestowed upon Egypt. "Visa files show Mohamed Abdel Moneim Ali Fayed, DPOB 27 Jan 1929, Alexandria Egypt, was UAR [citizen], June 1964,' chimed in one Agency memo.

Another states, "It was reported from Saudi Arabia by a friendly Western service that Subject was a representative of the al-NASR Trading Company, which was believed to be cover firm for the Egyptian Intelligence Service." (See http://www.guardianlies.com/Section%206/page40.html) Adnan Khashoggi, age 18 at the time, founded the Al-Nasr Trading & Industrial Corporation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1953. Al-Nasr was renamed the Triad Group of Companies twelve years later.

The 9/11 Commission restrained itself from tracing such connections, of course, but the Iranian government - citing a vague accusation in the panel's final report - knew the score, turned the accusation around. Chandigarh, India's Tribune reported on July 25, 2004: "Iran rejects 9/11 report on Al-Qaeda": "... it is utterly without truth,” foreign ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said of the report. "Nobody believes them because of serious ideological difference between [Iran] and the Al-Qaeda.... And unlike the people who created the Al-Qaeda, Iran has fought them in a practical way.” The 9/11 Commission maintained that the Iranians were in contact with Al-Qaeda for years, and may have provided transport for eight or nine of the 19 hijackers. The Commission made the claim that anonymous "intelligence" reports pointed to "the persistence of contacts between Iranian security officials and senior Al-Qaeda figures” beginning in 1997 with bin Laden's return to Afghanistan from Sudan. The Tribune story notes, "it also said it found 'no evidence' that Iran was aware of the planning for the terror attacks on the USA."

A small division of Iranian officials "lined up to dismiss the report, playing up their long-term differences and hostility to the Al-Qaeda and their Taliban hosts."

An op-ed in the same issue of the Indian newspaper observed that the Kean Commission "concludes that the most important failure was one of imagination." No one in the administration foresaw the terrorist strike, according to the Kean panel. "While the Commission is right in focusing on lack of imagination, it could have gone into it further. Earlier in the report, the
Commission just blandly records about young Muslims from around the world going to Afghanistan in the 1980s to join as volunteers in the Jehad against the Soviet Union. Thereafter, the Commission switches to Bin Laden perverting Islam to generate hatred against the US and the West. If the Commission had devoted some of its attention to the efforts of the CIA and resources it spent during the ‘80s to nurture various extremist Islamic groups in Afghanistan and to support the spread of Wahabism with Saudi money, then it would have had a lot more to say on the lack of imagination of the CIA, the State Department and the National Security Council. They nurtured the beast in the 80s and yet in the ‘90s could not recognise the nature of the beast."

But two years before Iran was said to have dealt covertly with one underworld figure on intimate terms with Al Quaeda, namely Adnan's brother-in-law, Al-Fayed, Poppy Bush's old ally. In April 2002, the prestigious French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche reported that Fayed was under investigation by Intelligence bureaus in France and Portugal for his role in the illegal procurement of Uranium-235, sold to Iran in August 2001: "Al-Fayed was implicated in the deal to provide Iran with the material with which to build atomic weapons by his Portuguese partner, Jose dos Santos Ferreira [an evangelical pastor and founder of the Khárisma Church[, 46 years old, a resident of Porto, in whose residence investigators found the originals of faxes discussing the deal in detail between himself and Al-Fayed. In the documents, which are in English, Santos Ferreira speaks about his Russian contacts and discusses also the problems which would arise were the shipments made through Paris." Al-Fayed had long been kept under scrutiny by British intelligence services. Acting on Information from MI-6 (British CIA) the French DST (Intelligence Service) discovered quantities of uranium in the possession of one Serge Salfati. Salfati and other members of the Al-Fayed smuggling ring, Yves Ekwalla and Raymond Lobe, have been detained in France and may be charged. According to the examining magistrate, Al-Fayed may also be charged. Intelligence sources in France and Israel have revealed that evidence in their possession places Al-Fayed as a member of a group of wealthy Arabs living in the United Kingdom who have been engaged in the clandestine funding of Hamas, Al Qaeda, and more recently, the Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade."

UK's Sunday Telegraph ran the story but was forced to retract when it was flatly denied by Mohammed Al-Fayed, who claimed that the newspaper had a "vendetta" against him.

If the story is true, then Al-Fayed is allied with terrorists on both sides of the Patriot Act. His former brother-in-law, for instance.

But it is more probable that there was no truth to the French report, since Al-Fayed is still a free man. Perhaps the article was planted. The press had done its utmost to make a fool of Al-Fayed since he began making public accusations concerning CIA and British intelligence involvement in the murder of his son. Is it possible that the western intelligence services had a motive for discrediting him?

After all, he may have been had something there ...
Diana Inquiry More Complex Than Expected
Jan 27 10:31 AM US/Eastern

By DAVID STRINGER?Associated Press Writer

An inquiry into the death of Princess Diana is "far more complex than any of us thought," the official leading the investigation said Friday without commenting on the conspiracy theories that persist nearly nine years after her death.

Lord Stevens, the former head of London Metropolitan Police acknowledged that some of the issues raised by Mohammed al Fayed _ whose son, Dodi, was killed in the 1997 car crash with Diana _ were "right to be raised." He did not elaborate....

"It is right to say that some of the issues that have
been raised by Mr. Fayed have been right to be
raised," he told the program, to be broadcast Sunday.
"We are pursing those. It is a far more complex
inquiry than any of us thought."

A transcript of his comments were released Friday....
The Al-Fayed uranium smuggling imbroglio forces us to choose between two highly inflammatory conclusions: If the story was accurate, there is reason to believe that Mohammed Al-Fayed is in league with terrorists. If it was indeed planted to sheep-dip Fayed in the public's perception of him, or otherwise to frame, then he is correct, the CIA and British intelligence operatives are suspects in the murder of Princess Diana and Adnan Khashoggi's nephew.

That "complex" inquiry into their deaths dragged on. In January 2006, it was still going strong, the Daily Express reported: "Flood of fresh evidence extends inquiry by a year." It was reported that MI6 agents visited the morgue holding Princess Diana's body shortly after the crash, raising the possibility that her body was examined for unexplained reasons. The MI6 agents also had access to the bodies of Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul. "The British investigation into the tragedy is to extend into next year following fresh evidence of a cover-up. It includes the revelation, first disclosed by the Daily Express, that blood samples taken from the body of Paul were tampered with." Well, not merely tampered with - Paul's blood had been stolen and another sample depostied in its place. "Such is the level of concern over the involvement of British spies in the hours after Diana's death that investigators working for Lord Stevens, the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner who is leading the probe, are interviewing MI6 agents who were known to have been operating in the French capital that night." In private, members of the Operation Paget inquest voiced "growing exasperation" at the Niagara of new evidence that spilled forth.

One source close to the investigation said: ""What needs to be established is whether Paul's blood samples were swapped in the morgue with those of a drunk suicide victim, so as to make it look as though Paul was drunk."

The European Court of Human Rights wanted to know "why it took so long for Diana to reach hospital, why pathologists broke French law by allowing her body to be embalmed - so make making pregnancy tests invalid - and why blood tests on her so-called "drunk driver" have never been verified independently.

Mohamed Al-Fayed's attorneys argued that relatives of the deceased had a right to a proper inquiry. "Scores of questions have been presented, including which security agencies were operating in Paris on the night of Diana's death on August 31 1997, whether Diana's car been tampered with and why it took so long for the French emergency services to get her to a hospital where she could have received life-saving attention. An official French inquiry concluded that Paul was drunk and speeding in a car he did not normally drive when he lost control. The blood tests, allegedly taken from Paul soon after he died, were central to their findings."

Lord Stevens acknowledged that many of Fayed's claims were substantiated by the evidence. The press passed them off as the burblings of an obvious psychotic.

Another conspiracy "theorist" mishandled by the media was James Hatfield, author of Fortunate Son, concerning GW Bush's political rise on a stairway of moral lapses. Hatfield was found dead of an apparent prescription medication overdose in a Springdale, Arkansas motel room on July 18, 2001. Hatfield told the story of the infamous James R. Bath, who befriended George W. Bush while serving in the Texas Air National Guard in Ellington. In a parenthetical note, Hatfield reported that Bush and Bath were "suspended from flying in 1972 for 'failure to accomplish annual medical examinations'" (p. 56). Bath was an early investor in Arbusto, Bush's oil exploration venture a cut-out, in fact, for the bin Laden clan (a charge that gathers credence in the fact that he had no appreciable savings at the time). The Bush family later denied any contact with Bath, Hatfield wrote: "In 1990, in an attempt to distance himself and his father from the growing BCCI scandal, George W. stated in an interview that neither he nor the elder Bush had ever conducted business with James Bath."

The Arbusto-bin Laden partnership, if converted into public knowledge after 9/11, would no doubt have proven inconvenient to Bush. The timely death of Hatfield and the burning of his book made the events of 9/11 easier to blame on outside agitators. Some other odd and suspicious deaths tied to the Bush clan: Prescott Bush business partner William S. Farish (keeled over in 1942 during a phase of intense Senate probing into his business dealings with the Hitler regime), Florida speedboat designer Donald Aronow, Enron vice chairman J. Clifford Baxter, Danny Cassolaro, Ron Brown (died in a plane crash with a group of Enron officers), John F. Kennedy, George DeMohrenschildt, Orlando Letelier, Ronny Moffit, Olof Palme, William Casey (dead two days before he was to testify before Lawrence Walsh), Iran-contra money launderer Edmond J. Safra, Salem bin Laden, very nearly Ronald Reagan and James Brady ... and interminable trail of gore, that is the Bush Book of the Dead.

Terrorism Trivia

Trivia question: When did the first terrorist strike by a member of the bin Laden family take place? A: Nearly thiry years ago, with an attempted coup in Saudi Arabia:

"November, 1979: In the 1960’s Osama bin Laden’s brother Mahrous bin Laden joined a rebel group opposed to the Saudi
government. With his assistance, in 1979 the rebels smuggle weapons into Mecca, Saudi Arabia, using trucks belonging to
the bin Laden family company. 500 rebels then seize the Grand Mosque in Medina, Islam’s holiest mosque in its holiest city. They try, but fail, to overthrow the Saudi royal family. All the men who took part are later beheaded except Mahrou. Eventually he is released from prison because of the close ties between the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family. Mahrous apparently abandons the rebel cause and joins the family business. He is eventually made a head of the Medina
branch and a member of the board. He will still hold these positions on 9/11. But a newspaper reports that “his past [is] not forgiven and most important decisions in the [bin Laden family business] are made without Mahrous’ input.” [Sources: http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?item=a10070brothersties - Ha'aretz, January 18, 2003; New Yorker, December 5, 2001; Sunday Herald (Glasgow), November 7, 2001]

October 1970-1981: After Nasser’s death, Sadat welcomed back the Muslim Brotherhood and its American partners in secret operations, the CIA.

When Egyptian President Gamal Nasser died in October 1970, Vice President Anwar Sadat of the Muslim Brotherhood immediately reinstated them as a government-sheltered organization. Sadat was a crony of Kamal Adham, director of Saudi intelligence. Through Adham, Sadat developed diplomatic ties with the Saudis, the CIA and Henry Kissinger. Egypt was turned into a breeding ground of ranting fundamentalists, including Sheikh Rahman and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Sadat, no doubt, would have regretted the decision ... if he hadn't been murdered in 1i981 by Islamic fundamentalists from Ali Mohammed's Army unit (See: New York Times, January 1, 1999; Wall Street Journal, December 26, 2001). (At the moment the fateful shots were fired - by Ali Mohammed's old Army unit - he was taking further military training at Fort Bragg. Mohammed would go on to work for the CIA, in which capacity he joined a branch of Hezbollah ... and quickly let on that he was an American spy. When the Agency learned of this, all ties to Mohammed were severed.)

The secret deal between the Saudi "Royals" and Al Qaeda was struck in 1996, the one attended by Saudi businessman Abdullah Taha Bakhsh - Baksh, recall, bailed GW Bush from bankruptcy when Harken Oil listed on the sea of bankruptcy. Adnan Khashoggi also attended the meeting. (See Santa Fe New Mexican, April 20, 2003) The lingering question: Did Khashoggi sit in as a representative of the CIA, the Saudis, the Bushes or the bin Ladens?

The centrality of Adnan Khashoggi in this extended Pinay Circle, and his relationship with Al-Fayed, and his relationship with the father of Mohammed Atta, beg certain questions. It is known that El-Amir Atta paid a visit to his son in the weeks preceding the air attacks on the World Trade Center. (It's a pity that Khashoggi didn't cobble together an agreement with Al Qaeda on behalf of the United States at that Saudi conference.) El-Amir has publicly engaged in streams of invective against Babylon, and looks forward to the next attack. It is highly probable, given his well-known hatred for the United States, that his Florida visit was related to the events of 9-11-01, but his ties to Al-Fayed (and thus Khashoggi ((and thus Bush)) assure that no official investigation will ever recognize this particular Egyptian beast.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thomas Mustric, Carlyle Group, 9/11 Inside Trades

By Alex Constantine

There is much, much more to Thomas Mustric - the
substitute teacher sacked for voicing his opinion last
week that 9/11 was an inside job - than he or the
press have let on.

Mustric himself is a swinging door into hidden corners
of 9/11. The scandal was quickly picked up by 9/11


9/11 Blogger - Blogging 9/11 Related Alternative News
... A substitute teacher by the name of Tom Mustric
was put on administrative leave for voicing his
opinion ...

indymedia beirut | High School Teacher 'Muzzled' And
Thomas Mustric, a substitute teacher in the Columbus,
Ohio, ...
SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other
scientists, diplomats, researchers etc. ...
Who is the teacher at the center of the controversy?

Tom Mustric, who bills himself as a "political
anthropologist," is the founder of the Middle East
Peace Foundation (MEPF) in Columbus, Ohio (not the
same MEPF based in Washington, DC).
Mustric's MEPF:


ORGANIZATION NAME Middle East Peace Foundation
YEAR 2002
FORM 990
EIN 91-1912317
Tom Mustric is a familiar face at the UN. (For
example, see

He was in Geneva for the Bethlehem 2000
International Conference, organized under the auspices
of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable
Rights of the Palestinian People.. (The foundation's
IRS form lists its total assets as $0, so he
presumably paid for his own transportation and
lodging). A tourist met Mustric there, and notes that
he "was in town to present a Middle East peace
proposal to some contacts at the UN." Mustric is
described here as "at least partly Jewish, and he
bills himself a 'Political Anthropologist for Peace.'"
(See http://www.genericdomain.net/ddlbs/2004/04/14/)

The MEPF was listed among participants as the UN
International Conference of Civil Society in Support
of the Palestinian People, in September 2002 (see

More on Mustric's MEPF:

Non-Profit Jun 04 1997 Active Mar 01 2007 Columbus
Franklin Ohio ... Contact Status Thomas Owen Mustric
134 E Lincoln St Columbus Ohio 43215 04-JUN-97 Active
In a hearing before the Public Utilities Commission of
01-2472-GA-CSS) filed in Columbus, Ohio, Mustric was
accused of attempting to extort money from the
utility. He was described in the course of this
hearing as "poor." This explains why is working as a
substitute teacher. How he manages his globe-trotting
to meet with the aforementioned UN contacts and attend
international peace conferences is a mystery. He was
engaged at this time to one Marcellina Tanuhandaru
from Indonesia. A letter written by her, posted on the
Net (indonesiansiste.noonhost.com/
indonesiansiste-post-492.html), reveals that she is
from Jakarta. Her name is now Marcellina Mustric.

MEPF Mission Statement

The Middle East Peace Foundation's mission further
consults to advance our successful earlier informal
agreements among regional nations' notables toward
their cooperation to support a needed end-game
framework for the Middle East peace advance, known as
the proposed "United Federation for Palestine." ...

The appearance of this outspoken substitute teacher/UN
globe trotter is a VERY important development.

There is a connection to the Carlyle Group. The
substance here represents all that I have established
so far.

He has attended a host of UN meetings and such
relating to Palestine, yet his organization claims it
has zero funding.

Substitute teacher? His name cropped up in a list of
recipients of Kryder family wealth - if you do a
search, you will find that this is the same fortune
and corporate structure that gave birth to the
Carlylye Group. The history is here, and this web page
tracks it all to the present day:

See http://www.frankkryder.com/carlyle.htm

"Clarence Frank and Minnie V. Disler Kryder, built a
midwestern farming, realty, and insurance empire
during the Great Depression and World War II which
disappeared in Fort Wayne Indiana financial
institutions. The Kryders were lifelong neighbors of
the founders of Central Soya whose interests were
mingled by lawyers with Roy Disney's, utilizing a
commercial alliance disguised as a multi-bank holding
company, in a sort of mutual fund called SHAMROCK.

"By an odd Deed, the Law Firm of Barrett and McNagny
occupies "The Standard Building" former site of the
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company and the Kryder
realty, construction, and insurance offices, 215 E.
Berry Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana. "Barrett Law" is a
Department within in the City of Fort Wayne Finance
Department. Barrett lawyers specialize in estate and
elder law.

"B. Edward Ewing, with the help of additional
politically connected Fort Wayne lawyers and a
shirt-tail cousin of Frank H. Kryder's , rose from
1965 Jasper, Indiana poor boy at International Truck
recently been engaged tying up loose ends around
Lakeland, FL. while laying off thousands of workers
all around the country. His goal is to become Jasper's
first billionaire."
Thomas Mustric is listed here, In an exhaustive
investigation into the disappearance of the Kryder
wealth and evolution of the Carlyle Group:


8/30/2001 Swiss Re acquisition of Lincoln Re
announced, restated on Sep 7.

9/10/2001 LNC sold Lincoln Reinsurance to Swiss Re
(aka North American Re) the day before the WTC attack;
FTC Transaction Number: 20012356 Early Termination
Date: 09/10/2001 Acquiring Person: Swiss Reinsurance
Company Acquired Person: Lincoln National Corporation
Acquired Entity: The Lincoln National Life Insurance
Company (The purchase contract provided that the claim
costs from the 11 September 2001 events remain with
the seller).

9/11/2001 Carlyle Group holding annual meeting in
Washington, DC at time of WTC attack

2500 LOU MENK DR 2500 LOU MENK DR. PO BOX 961101, FORT
WORTH, TX 76161 : Control Number: 1988050962 Creation
Date: 5/20/1988 Inactive Date: 9/20/2001 Original
Creation Date: 1/31/1961 Original Creation State: DE
Other Names for this Entity: 2/24/1997 BURLINGTON

11/07/2001 U.S. Treasury blocked the global money
funneling network of al-Barakaat

11/15/2001 Reuter's (WTC) Release- :Swiss Re, which
has already paid its share of an initial $75 million
payment to the insurance holders, said that if the
full value of the $3.5 billion policy were paid out
now, $1.5 billion would : go to the Port Authority,
$663 to General Motors Acceptance Corp. (GMAC) and UBS
Warburg, : which lent Silverstein money to take on the
lease, and a maximum if $1.3 billion to Silverstein :
and Westfield Holdings Ltd. his partners in the lease.

11/26/2001 Pres. G.W. Bush: "Afghanistan is still just
the beginning."
FTC Transaction Number: 20020109 Early Termination
Date: 11/26/2001 Acquiring Person: Mr. Peter R.
Kellogg Acquired Person: Navistar International
Corporation Acquired Entity: Harco National Insurance
12/02/2001 Enron bankrupt

HOLDING KEYSTONE, LLC Control Number: 2001120700590
Creation Date: 12/6/2001 Entity Inactive Date:

12/10/2001 Swiss Re acquisition completed

CAPITOL CATERING, INC.: Control Number: 2001121000267
Status: Active Creation Date: 12/10/01: Entity
Inactive Date:
(Brief Article) Author/s: Issue: Dec 21, 2001
PITTSBURGH -- Steel Dynamics Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind.,
said Wednesday an unexpected bankruptcy-related
write-off linked to Metals USA Inc. will cause its
first quarterly loss since the company began
operations in 1996.
Number: 2002010200821 Creation Date: 12/26/01 Inactive
12/31/2001 USX Corporation renamed Marathon Oil

There is more. I'm just beginning to open this mess.
Delete Reply Forward Move...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ohio Priest Guilty In Satanic Murder of Nun


TOLEDO, Ohio -- After six hours of deliberations, a
jury in Lucas County Common Pleas Court found a priest
guilty of killing a nun in a Toledo hospital chapel in

There were gasps in the courtroom as the verdict was
read just after 11:30 a.m.

The jurors did not look at the Rev. Gerald Robinson as
they left the courtroom. Robinson showed no visible
reaction in the courtroom.

Judge Thomas Osowik immediately sentenced Robinson,
68, to the mandatory term of 15 years to life in
prison. That means he will be eligible for parole
after 15 years.

Robinson has been on trial for the past two weeks,
accused of killing Sister Margaret Ann Pahl the day
before Easter in the chapel at Mercy Hospital.

Prosecutors contend the killing was sparked by the
priest's simmering anger over Pahl's domineering ways.

The nun was stabbed through an altar cloth with the
punctures forming an upside down cross and annointed
with a smudge of her blood on the forehead to humilate
her in death, prosecutors said.

The priest has denied any wrongdoing.

In a statement, the Diocese of Toledo calls this "a
sad day" and says it hopes the conclusion of the trial
can bring some healing to all those affected by the

Assistant Lucas County Prosecutor Dean Mandros said he
was surprised jurors came back with their decision
after only about six hours of deliberations. But
Mandros said his team always believed it was right in
going after Robinson and always believed Robinson lied
to police about his whereabouts when Pahl was killed.

Defense attorney John Thebes said when the jury's
verdict was read, he and Robinson shared the same
emotion: shock. But he said his team did everything
they possibly could.

The priest's lawyers say they intend to appeal.

The case against Rev. Robinson: What the jury didn't
By Harriet Ryan
Court TV

TOLEDO, Ohio — The jury that convicted the Rev. Gerald
Robinson Thursday listened to 41 witnesses during the
three-week trial, but they did not hear every piece of
information authorities uncovered in the course of
their investigation.

Prosecutors were barred by law from presenting some
evidence against the priest. Other information was
deemed irrelevant to the murder of Sr. Margaret Ann
Pahl or open to too many interpretations to benefit
their case. Among the things jurors did not hear:

The polygraph. Two weeks after the murder, Robinson
failed a lie detector exam given by a police
investigator. A retest administered by a polygrapher
hired by the Catholic diocese the next month was
inconclusive. The defense has said the priest was too
exhausted and stressed from the police interrogation
for the test to be effective.

S&M allegation. In 2003, a nun told a diocesan panel
that she was sexually abused by Robinson when she was
15. She claimed that another priest paid her father to
let Robinson engage her in sadomasochistic acts
involving a whip. The same woman also alleged she was
raped repeatedly as a girl during satanic rituals led
by priests. Authorities have not been able to
substantiate or disprove her charges.

Occult book. When police searched Robinson's home in
2004, they found a pamphlet entitled "The Occult."
Many passages were underlined, including one
describing a black Mass in which "an innocent" was
used as an altar. The booklet was published by a
Catholic group in the 1970s, before the murder, but it
was unclear whether Robinson obtained it before or
after the murder.

Swiatecki's pleas. When police interviewed Robinson
about two weeks after the murder, the other hospital
chaplain, Rev. Jerome Swiatecki, accompanied him to
the station. According to the detectives, Swiatecki
the son of a police officer — emphatically and
repeatedly urged Robinson to "just tell them the
truth." Some in law enforcement have speculated that
Robinson confessed to Swiatecki, but that Swiatecki
would have been bound by the seal of the confessional
not to reveal any details.

Coffin photos. Police officers searching Robinson's
house in 2004 found hundreds of photos of corpses in
coffins. Some appeared to be very old and European.
Although taking pictures of dead relatives is common
among some ethnic traditions, the sheer number in the
priest's house suggested that not all of the dead were
family members.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Mae was kind enough to share some of her thoughts on
the murder of John Lennon last December 8, 1980 in New
York City. She is just starting her 11th year of
broadcasting on radio KLRB, Carmel, CA.

Tom Davis
Tom: What would be the motive to kill John Lennon on
December 8, 1980? Lennon had been in seclusion for
many years and had not yet released his new album.

Mae: Both the date of Lennon's murder, and the careful
selection of this particular victim are very
important. Six weeks after Lennon's death, Ronald
Reagan would become President. Reagan and his
soon-to-be appointed cabinet were prepared to build up
the Pentagon war machine and increase the potential
for war against the USSR. The first strike would fall
on small countries like El Salvador and Guatemala.
Lennon, alone, was the only man (even without his
fellow Beatles) who had the ability to draw out one
million anti-war protestors in any given city within
24 hours, if he opposed those war policies.
John Lennon was a spiritual force. He was a giant,
like Gandhi, a man who wrote about peace and brotherly
love. He taught an entire generation to think for
themselves and to challenge authority. Lennon and the
Beatles' songs shout out the inequalities life and the
messages of change. Change is a threat to the longtime
status quo that Reagan's team exemplified.
On my weekly radio broadcast of December 7, 1980,
I stated that "the old assassination teams are coming
back into power." The very people responsible for
covering up the murders of President John F. Kennedy,
Senator Robert Kennedy, Reverend Martin Luther King,
for Watergate and Koreagate, and the kidnapping and
murder of Howard Hughes, and for hundreds of other
deaths, had only six weeks before they would again be
removing or silencing those voices of opposition to
their policies.
Lennon was coming out once more. His album was
cut. He was preparing to be part of the world, a world
which was a worse place since the time he had
withdrawn with his family. It was a sure bet Lennon
would react and become a social activist again. That
was the threat. Lennon realized that there was danger
coming back into public view. He took that dangerous
chance, and we all lost!

Tom: The common assumption is that Mark David Chapman,
arrested the moment he killed John Lennon, was acting
out his personal love-hate relationship with Lennon.
Why do you have to look for a larger conspiracy than
the conflicts in Chapman's own head?

Mae: Single crimes of passion are easy to explain and
easy to solve. When someone is gunned down who is
controversial, has political enemies, is hated by
wealthy and well-organized religious movements, and is
an open opponent of government policies at home and
abroad, that kind of murder requires much more inquiry
into the background of the assassin. The conclusions
about the murder motive may turn out to be simple.
Yet, in every political assassination since 1963,
there were always more unanswered questions that led
to a broader supposition of intention to kill by a
group of people rather than one single individual.

Tom: What is the first clue you look for if you are
suspicious of a larger conspiracy to assassinate,
whether it is John Lennon, President John F. Kennedy,
or the recent attempts on President Reagan and Pope
John Paul II?

Mae: There are necessary connecting links in every
assassination conspiracy. If any link of that chain
falls apart and becomes exposed, the parts of the
larger plot are more visible. When every element of
that chain holds together and is present in the
evidence and testimony regarding any particular
murder, there has to be a larger conspiracy. (See
accompanying diagram)
The most important link in that chain is the
selected decoy or patsy. Whoever is arrested at the
scene of the crime, to the exclusion of other
suspicious persons, becomes the "assassin." This
single person must serve a purpose, namely, to divert
all attention away from those people who have armed
him and located him at the scene of the crime.
Letters and diaries are always present and easily
located to support the predetermined cover story. They
provide a "motive", and are the glue that cements (we
are told) the "loner" to his single purpose.
In preparation for his "act", the decoy or patsy
is moved across countries or overseas, traveling and
staying at safe houses. He has no friends, no jobs, no
means of support while at the same time staying at
fancy hotels, spending lots of money, getting phone
messages, and meeting lots of people. Very few people
have the money to spend years in transit like these
patsies, whose chances of being in selected locations
at the precise moment their victim is murdered are
minute and impossible without assistance.

Tom: Who was Mark David Chapman? What was there in his
background that made you suspicious that he had been
selected for a "decoy" or "patsy" by other persons who
wanted Lennon dead?

Mae: Chapman came from a conservative military family
who had moved from Fort Worth, Texas to Florida. He
had become a "Jesus Freak" at the time Lennon and the
Beatles were getting death threats during the anti-war
period. Joining this movement while supposedly loving
and admiring Lennon was a gross contradiction, for the
religious fundamentalists were furious that Lennon
considered himself better known and loved than Jesus.
DeKalb County, Georgia, just to the east of
Atlanta, figures prominently in Chapman's life as it
had some years earlier in that of Martin Luther King.
In 1977 in a court affidavit, Robert Byron Watson,
former employee of Magellon's Art Gallery, Atlanta,
named several citizens as having planned and bragged
about the "future murder of Reverend Martin Luther
King." King's death came just one week after the plans
were discussed. These same people also talked about
murdering Senator Robert Kennedy.
Chapman attended DeKalb Junior College in the area
where these kinds of plans were laid and such
political anger was being vented. From DeKalb County,
Chapman was sent to Beirut, Lebanon. He was handed the
funds both ways. Beirut was the center for George
Habash and CIA assassination teams also identified in
the Watson testimony before the House Select Committee
on Assassinations in 1977-78.
On March 31, 1981, United Press International
exposed the connection of "military training in a
guerrilla camp" in Beirut, Lebanon to "worldwide Nazi
After six months in Lebanon, Chapman went to Fort
Chaffee, Arkansas to work with Vietnam refugees
recently arrived from Southeast Asia. Members of the
CIA were with him at this military base.
William Colby's Vietnam Phoenix program, staffed
with agents who intensely hated the anti-war, social
activists like John Lennon, had both the intent and
the means to move persons like Chapman to their
training camps and then to specific places planned as
sites for future assassinations. Colby came back to
the U.S. to become Director of the C.I.A. at a time
(1973) when "Operation Chaos" was in full swing
against the hippies, rock musicians, and anti-war
protestors. Many of them were killed or otherwise
From Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, Chapman moved to
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee to attend Presbyterian

Martin Luther King, a victim of plans made in
DeKalb County, Georgia, was murdered in Memphis,
Tennessee. Senator Howard Baker from Tennessee and CIA
Director William Colby were making deals to cover up
Watergate crimes in 1974-75, year before Chapman moved
to Tennessee.
According to news reports, Chapman "fled"
Tennessee to Hawaii in 1976. His earliest arrest
records indicated he had committed crimes in Florida,
but the authorities later blamed these crimes on
another person, excusing the mix-up as a "computer
mistake." Many patsies and decoys have earlier arrest
records that are used to keep them silent and actively
cooperative for fear of going to jail. Was there any
connection between the Florida identification and the
reason for Chapman's flight to Hawaii?
Hawaii has been the scene of many clandestine
operations. Many CIA Vietnamese and members of the
Special Forces, now safely removed from Vietnam, were
assembled in Hawaii. The Nugan Hand Bank, an
Australian conduit for CIA "black money", actually
assassination funds, kept a branch in Hawaii. Herbert
Mullen, convicted of mass murders in California,
appeared perfectly normal until he was sent to a
military hospital in Hawaii. It was in Maui that he
went through his "religious thinking" and evolved as a
killer. Ed Sanders, author of The Family, a book about
the Manson Family, obtained documents regarding a
mysterious trip Mullen took to Hawaii before he later
became a programmed killer.
The years from 1976 to 1978 in Chapman's biography
are still vague and murky: two years of limited
employment and "mental treatment." Allegedly, he was
in the hospital for a mental breakdown. On the other
hand, if there were any evidence of mental
instability, would not his permit application to buy
the murder weapon have been denied?
There were many years, months, days when Chapman
could have been mentally programmed to become like the
"Manchurian Candidate," specifically to murder John
Lennon, if and when he re-entered public life. Lennon
was not threat until the U.S. was getting close to
another war.
Subsequently, Chapman took a long "vacation",
including a trip around the world. During this voyage
he made a trip to Switzerland to meet a pal from
DeKalb County, Georgia, the same man who earlier had
arranged the original trip to Lebanon. The journey
culminated in London with a rare visit to a live
Lennon concert.
Chapman's wife, who worked for a travel agency,
"arranged his itinerary". The source of the money for
his fare, hotels, food, concerts, has never been
identified, although Pacific Holding Ltd., a "tourism"
company formed by the CIA and Special Forces, may be
implicated. Both groups had funds to hire
assassination teams.
When Chapman left his job in Hawaii, October 23,
1980, he flew to Atlanta, GA. From Georgia, he went to
New York City with the intention of killing John
Lennon, but was apparently able to resist the "master
inside himself", a conflict he describes, and returned
to Hawaii. Before long, however, Hawaii was again
behind him, and Chapman arrived in New York on
December 5, 1980 with the specific plan to kill John
Lennon, which he did three days later.

Tom: What you are talking about is only
circumstantial. There is no proof that the CIA or any
government agency manipulated Chapman for their
purposes. When does the proof of a conspiracy ever
become apparent?

Mae: The burden of proof of conspiracy is put upon the
private investigator. The common denominator in all
these cases are those links in the conspiracy chain
(see diagram) which show the relevant questions to be
asked: Were there other persons along with Chapman
shooting at Lennon to make sure he died? Who fled the
scene in a hurry, never sought again by law
enforcement agencies? Why did the New York police
adamantly refuse to accept pictures of Chapman taken
autographing an album earlier in the evening of the
murder? Why were they donated to a newspaper after the
police refused to accept them? When Chapman's wife was
called by the New York Police, why did they instruct
her, "Don't release any picture of him."? How could
Miami Police issue an erroneous description of a
criminal record having the same last name, date of
birth, race, and approximate height as the slaying
suspect? Can we ever see the picture of the Florida
suspect? If Chapman was treated for mental illness in
Hawaii, how did he procure the weapon in Hawaii? How
did Chapman transport the gun from the Island to the
Mainland? (This question was dismissed by the Federal
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents, who
said, "No investigation was in progress.")
Money was never a problem for this wanderer. He
and his wife lived in a $400 a month apartment and
were able to support his hobby of collecting expensive
works of art. Owning original Norman Rockwell
lithographs worth $7,500, and traveling around the
world aren't impossible, if there is some kind of
occupation that provides the money for these luxuries.
If Chapman wrote "John Lennon" on his job work
sheet on October 23, 1980, it would seem impossible
for someone not to notice this message until the day
after Lennon was murdered. Employment log sheets are
usually added up regularly to determine the hours
worked and amount of pay checks. It is more probable
that Chapman wrote this name at that time so that his
cover story, his defense after the murder, would be
his mental identification with John Lennon.
Chapman's intention to find Lennon, as just
another adoring Beatle fan, must be separated from the
question of who transported him from Hawaii to Georgia
to New York, back to Hawaii, and back again to New
York, with lots of cash, and with the sole purpose of
killing Lennon.
Jimmy Breslin, New York columnist, was impressed
that Mark David Chapman could be such a "good shot"
with "no military background at all." But Chapman had
been trained to shoot. He had learned to become a
security guard in Georgia before his trips to Lebanon
and to the many countries where he could have been
instructed in killing. What about Ft. Chaffee? Why not
shooting practice in Tennessee? What about military
bases in Hawaii? What gives Breslin and the New York
Daily News the right to make such statements without
an inkling of Chapman's background?
Like all the other "loner" drifters, Chapman
stayed at expensive hotels. His last evening before
killing Lennon was spent at the Sheraton Centre Hotel
in New York. He was carrying more than $2,000 in cash
along with his credit cards. Where did he get these
cards, and on what basis was the money earned and
saved to establish credit to qualify for these cards?

Tom: You apparently believe there was a government
conspiracy to assassinate and silence John Lennon
which was conducted by the same people who murdered
other political figures and musicians in the past
eighteen years?

Mae: Absolutely! The federal government has maintained
active programs to eliminate rock musicians and
disrupt rock concerts. Senator Frank Church's
Committee hearings in 1975 and the FBI
Cointel-Programs clearly document the intent to break
up any gatherings of the "new left". Nothing brought
anti-war demonstrators together with political
messages more effectively than music festivals.
There is hard evidence the CIA assigned agents to
"investigate the music industry." After the murders of
Tim Buckley, Jim Croce, and Mama Cass Elliot, more
information surfaced about earlier mysterious deaths
of Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin.
Listed below, but not updated this past year, are some
of the rock musicians who have died since the Huston
Plan and the FBI Cointel-Program were activated. If
these people had been taking any kinds of drugs, there
is the distinct possibility that specific poisons were
added to their drugs, enough to be fatal, to make it
appear that they had died from a simple "overdose".

The murder of John Lennon is the tragic finale to
an entire era, the reminder that once an artist
becomes as popular and as political as he was, his
enemies will be waiting to make sure his messages
never appear again to awaken the slumbering youth.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

George Shultz, International Terrorist, Part Two - Shultz, Gilead and the Bird Flu Hoax


1) George Shultz and Gilead,a Leading Bird Flu Vaccine
Manufacturer: "George Shultz and his wife, San Francisco Chief of Protocol Charlotte Swig Shultz, own
$8,700,000 worth of shares in Gilead..."

2) Shultz, Rusmfeld and Gilead Profit from the Bird Flu Scare: "Shultz turned a neat $7 million profit earlier this year in insider selling of some of his Gilead stock..."

3) Dr. Tim O'Shea on Bird Flu Profiteering: "Best
estimates at present: between $1 - 1.8 billion. And that's just for the US market. [12, 13] Such a figure would double Gilead's total income for 2004. Just for one drug..."
1) George Shultz and Gilead, a Leading Bird Flu Vaccine Manufacture


... One of San Francisco's wealthiest and most prominent couples could choose to have a significant impact on the negotiations. Former Secretary of State George Shultz and his wife, San Francisco Chief of Protocol Charlotte Swig Shultz, own $8,700,000 worth of shares in Gilead. They are Gilead's fourth largest individual shareholders. George Shultz sits on the comparatively small eight-member Board of Directors.
2) Shultz, Rusmfeld and Gilead Profit from the Bird
Flu Scare


Gilead Sciences is no small-time biotech startup, either. Helped by the propaganda from its friends in Washington and other high places, today Gilead has a total market capitalization of $ 22 billion. Its board
today includes Bechtel Corporation director and former Secretary of State, George P. Shultz. According to
Fortune, Shultz turned a neat $7 million profitearlier this year in insider selling of some of his Gilead stock.

Bechtel is right up there with Halliburton in grabbing the lion’s share of Pentagon sweetheart contracts to rebuild Iraq. Most certainly it did not hurt Bechtel’s business that Shultz and Rumsfeld knew each other from their common days on the board of Gilead. The Gilead Sciences board also includes Gordon Moore of Intel, and Viscount Etienne Davignon, the Belgian Count who seems to be involved in everything big and Atlanticist, whether it be Bilderberg meetings or
Trilateral Commissions, and now, profiting from the Bird Flu panic.

The Gilead model also suggests a parallel to the Halliburton Corporation, whose former CEO is Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney’s company has so far gotten billions worth of US construction contracts in
Iraq and elsewhere. Is it just a coincidence that Cheney’s closest political friend is Defense Secretary
and Avian Flu beneficiary, Donald Rumsfeld? The Defense Secretary is an accomplished hand at
getting the government to buy vaccines from companies in which he has a direct financial interest. Recall
the scare just following the events of September 11, 2001. One of the terror scenarios discussed widely by the Administration was a possible release of a deadly smallpox attack that would devastate the American population.

In November 2001 the Administration reversed a two
decade policy. On the advice of the Pentagon and others in the Administration, the President ordered
that the US’ remaining stock of smallpox microbes, stored at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, not be destroyed as he world community had been urging, but be kept until new vaccines were developed. The United States and Russian Governments at the time held the only known smallpox microbe stocks known. The disease had long since been eradicated.

The Administration announced at the time it was backing development of a new vaccine for smallpox that
could be given the entire population. The major media from Judith Miller in the New York Times, to more
widely read papers, carried horror stories. Typical was one from Knight-Ridder which began, ‘When
counterterrorism officials compare notes on what keeps them awake at night, the weapon they most fear is not a nuclear bomb or poison gas, but a disease that was wiped off the planet 20 years ago. They worry about smallpox, a lethal, super-contagious virus that, if unleashed, would spread quickly…’

The scare around smallpox and what to do was curiously similar then as it is today against Bird Flu pandemics. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld at that time ordered members of the Armed Forces to be inoculated against smallpox, an inoculation with horrendous side-effects. Rumsfeld’s smallpox package also included ordering Pentagon stockpiling of a drug named Vistide, supposedly to minimize side-effects of smallpox infection should it occur.

The Bush Administration had made repeated attempts to convince the public and above all, the health and
medical profession to go with mass inoculation against smallpox. In 2002 the CDC and certain high Administration officials were calling for pre-emptive smallpox inoculation of broad sectors of the
population against threat of terrorists unleashing the pox. The Government began stockpiling hundreds of millions of smallpox vaccine doses. It also stockpiled Vistide.

With every official statement by members of the Administration, population panic regarding smallpox threats grew. Fear was driving the debate. Yet the reality was that, contrary to what was being said, smallpox was not a highly contagious disease. As Dr. Kuritsky, MD, director of the National Immunization Program and Early Smallpox Response and Planning at the CDC put it, ‘Smallpox has a slow transmission and is not highly contagious.’

Even were someone exposed to a known bio-terrorist attack with smallpox, it would not mean that he would contract smallpox, Kuritsky added. The signs and symptoms of the disease would not occur immediately, and there was time to plan.

Increasingly, experienced US health professionals began going public with the dangers of the side effects from the smallpox immunization itself. These included ‘serious brain and heart diseases, autism, abnormal chromosomal changes, diabetes, various cancers and leukemias, plus demyelination of nerve tissue years after vaccination.’ Many thought it better to run the risk of a bio-terror attack than take the ‘cure.’ The Administration mass vaccination campaign for smallpox was a flop. Yet in the meantime millions of doses of Vistide were produced and sold to the US government, to ‘ease’ the effects of smallpox should such an hypothetical attack materialize. The Pentagon was one of the major purchasers of Vistide at the time.

The smallpox terror scenario fear-mongering reached a peak in the run-up to the February 2003 war in Iraq, with scare stories speculating that Saddam Hussein may have been holding stolen Russian stocks of the smallpox virus ready to unleash an attack on the American public. In his January 2003 State of the Union Address, the President proposed creation of Project BioShield to develop vaccines and drugs against bio-terror attack including anthrax and smallpox.

On July 21, 2004 President Bush signed into law Project BioShield, to provide ‘new tools to improve medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) attack.’ The fiscal year 2004 appropriation for the
Department of Homeland Security included $5.6 billion over 10 years for the purchase of next generation
countermeasures against anthrax and smallpox as well as other CBRN agents.

Mr Rumsfeld knew well what he was prescribing for his soldiers. Vistide was also a product of Gilead Sciences, Mr. Rumsfeld’s former company. Rumsfeld was the person who signed off on the decision to give US Troops Vistide. That decision was obviously not made out of benevolence, or concern for the health of the troops on the part of the Defense Secretary, who had been personally involved with the side-efects of Vistide at Gilead since the company first developed it in the late 1990’s as an AIDS treatment. As Rumsfeld well knew, Vistide had some pretty hefty side effects. According to Dr. Christopher J Hogan, MD, Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, complications of Vistide include renal toxicity, neutropenia, fever, anemia, headache, hair
loss, uveitis and/or iritis, and abdominal pain. Yet, despite the fact of who is making millions on the fears being stirred over smallpox or Avian Flu, it would be a dangerous diversion to think the end of the story is personal or corporate greed. The alarming aspect to this Tamiflu, Vistide and proposed new legal regimes for the ‘vaccine industry,’ is the fact that it all fits, evidently, into a far larger strategy that the Administration seems to have been developing for some time. During the smallpox scare three years
ago, the Administration got Republican Congressmen to insert a paragraph into the Homeland Security bill that would give immunity for liability to drug companies who manufacture smallpox vaccine.

Abolishing the Nuremburg Code on Human Rights in Experimentation

Now the Bush Administration is seeking to vastly expand that drug company immunity, using the climate of fear around Avian Flu.

The President, in his November 1 NIH pandemic speech, proposed completely exempting drug makers from being sued for their products. Explicitly he termed it ‘liability protection for the makers of life-saving vaccine rhetoric, it means drug makers can produce and promote whatever they choose to foist on the public, whether it be Vistide, Tamiflu or Thalidomide, and fear no legal consequences.

One need only think for a minute about the consequences of removing the gains of more than a Century of bitter battles to establish even minimal controls over what drugs can be sold to the public. During the 1960’s in Germany, Dr. Heinrich Mueckter, an infamous Nazi doctor, wanted by the Polish government for hideous experiments using live Typhus on concentration camp inmates, founded a drug company in West Germany where he developed a drug he marketed as a harmless sleeping tablet. His product, Contergan,
was advertised as so harmless that it could be sold over-the-counter and one million Germans used it daily to sleep. He specially marketed his drug for ‘pregnant mothers’ having sleep problems. The results were soon clear in the form of tens of thousands of grotesquely deformed births. The drug he developed contained Thalidomide. At that time, German law left regulation of such drugs to the industry, a kind of
self-policing, or to local government.

Or consider the huge scandals surrounding the anti-arthritic drug, VIOXX, which was being used by more than two million people around the world when it was pulled from the market by Merck & Co. last September, after serious studies indicated VIOXX users had a 400% increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Threat of litigation was clearly a major factor leading Merck to pull VIOXX.

Merck & Co. began in Germany in the late 1800’s by selling products including morphine, codeine, quinine and strychnine as ‘medications.’ There were no regulations on drug makers then. The German aspirin inventor, Bayer Company, in 1898 sold heroin labelled as a ‘superior cough suppressant.’ It probably was, but they also didn’t speak of side effects in those days. This was before many such scandals and serious consequences on the public forced governments to begin regulating what was sold as drugs.

In 1962, in response to the Thalidomide scandals, Senator Estes Kefauver drafted and got passed the Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments of 1962, tightening drug safety requirements and requiring pharmaceutical makers, or as George Bush prefers to call it, ‘the vaccine industry,’ to prove a given drug is effective before it can be sold to the public. Drugs were required to be registered with the US Food and Drug Administration, and the FDA was given ‘explicit authority to require compliance with good
manufacturing practices.’ Safety and purity standards were defined. It also required drug makers explicitly
state risks in their products.

In 1948 the member countries of the United Nations adopted the so-called Nuremburg Code following the military trial in Nuremburg Germany in 1946 of 23 Nazi doctors for crimes against humanity and experimentation with drugs and viruses on human subjects. It was recognized as international common law guiding medical research. With the grant of legal immunity from lawsuits for effects of their drugs, pharmaceutical companies would succeed in rolling back not only the Nuremburg Code but also more than a Century of bitterly-fought gains in public safety in the regulation of drug manufacturing and promotion. In promoting drug industry immunity from legal damage suits, the President claims he is ‘breaking downbarriers to vaccine production.’ In reality he is taking steps to create an environment which not even the Nazi doctors and drug companies during the Third Reich enjoyed—they had to be secretive about their actions. This is a very alarming precedent should it become law. The real question to ask is what could be so important to compel the President of the United States to put his own population at risk in such an unfettered drug environment?

That there exists a virulent viral strain affecting birds especially in parts of Vietnam and China is not the issue at hand here. Rather it is the politicization of such a condition to introduce a wholly other agenda, one whose ultimate consequences on human life and well-being are potentially far more damaging than any conceived damage from H5N1 or other virus strains.
3) Tim O'Shea on Bird Flu Profiteering

As with the marketing of smallpox vaccine in 2002 [8] and the marketing of SARS in 2003 [6], it's a fairly
safe bet the threat of avian flu will disappear as soon as the money has been spent stockpiling the drugs
and vaccines. That's the usual pattern. Count on it. The two remedies for avian flu being hawked daily from every quarter are Tamiflu and a new flu vaccine. Let's look behind the scenes a little and see whose
money is on the line here, and who would benefit from the sale of enough of these drugs for the entire
world. First Tamiflu.
In 1996 two drug giants - Hoffman LaRoche and Gilead Sciences agreed to split the world between them.
Gilead had invented a new type of flu drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors, which included Tamiflu. [9]
The deal was that LaRoche could research and market the drug worldwide, and Gilead would be paid
residuals. Forever. Gilead Sciences, located in Foster City, California, joined the NASDAQ 100 in 2001. Its 2004 revenues were only $1.3 billion, [9] but that's about to change. From 1997 until the time he was sworn in as Secretary of Defense in 2001, guess who had been Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences. Donald Rumsfeld. Don't believe it? Good. Look at the Dept of Defense website.[10] At present Rumsfeld continues to receive stock and benefits from Gilead, and is a major shareholder. [11]
Another member of Gilead's Board of Directors is George Schultz, whom you may remember as Secretary of Treasury under Nixon. [9] One of the financial directors of the Vietnam war, Schultz is still
technically alive.So. How does the financial future of Gilead appear, with sales of Tamiflu? Best estimates at present: between $1 - 1.8 billion. And that's just for the US market. [12, 13] Such a figure would double Gilead's total income for 2004. Just for one drug.
Taking the global market into consideration, sales revenue from Tamiflu is virtually "unlimited." [13] A
sacred word for investors. The US Senate approved $3.9 billion for Tamiflu purchase back in Sept 2005 with virtually no discussion. [13] And Gilead smiled. But the best news for investors is that the Tamiflu windfall will be around for a long time. Again, from the WHO FAQ sheet: "At present manufacturing capacity, which has recently quadrupled, it will take a decade to produce enough oseltamivir to treat 20% of the world's population."
[5] Oseltamivir - that's Tamiflu.
Keep asking yourself: who would benefit from the threat of pandemic?

"You can see the whole excellent article at Dr O'Shea's website where you'll be able to find the sources he cites above. I encourage you to read the whole article because it articulates quite clearly just what a giant scam this bird flu fiasco really is. Luckily people seem to have short memories because many people should be quite embarrassed by their rhetoric."

- Alex Constantine

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

George Shultz, International Terrorist, Part One

By Alex Constantine

As the Bush-Cheney bund weaves ever closer toward political suicide, it is incumbent upon concerned residents of this great democracy to take stock of reality and not forget the dope - the financial core of black operations waged by the intelligence sector's world-dominating "elite."

The Rockefellers used heroin to quell the Harlem riots in the 1930s, so there are multiple uses for the opiate, but mostly it brings in gobs of cash. So wouldn't you know that Bechtel, a recurring name in the history of appalling corporate scandals to the present day, would have a place in this sordid history.

Drift back in time for a moment to the early 1970s, when the Nixon adminsitration, like Bush's three decades on, teetered uncertainly on the brink. The central determinant of Nixon's ultimate downfall was Alexander Butterfield - a former spy stationed in Asia. We'll soon visit more spies with roots in the Far East.

Butterfield, recall, made headlines when he casually announced that the president had tape recorded conversations in the oval office. That was the ultimate end of Richard Nixon, who was badly kicked around .. and not one reporter stopped to ponder why a spook in the White House would crucify his boss with this devastating revelation.

Butterfield gave away the store at another key point in history when he spilled the dope beans to Wall Street Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitny, author of The Crimes of Patriots. When asked about Bernie Houghton and other principals at Australia's Nugan Hand Bank, the CIA's cash laundry, Butterfield gave him a few names that broke the bank, so to speak.

Kwitny was referred to General Heine Aderhold, who ran covert operations throughout Asia with John Singlaub, and was in a position to observe the actions of Maurice "Bernie" Houghton at Nugan Hand.

Houghton, it emerged, had been active in the opium trade in the Golden Triangle. Kwitny's investigation led him to dig up a legal claim letter signed by Tom Rahill, an American worker in Dhahrain, Saudi Arabia. According the this letter, "Mr. Houghton's representatives would visit Aramco construction camps in Saudi Arabia shortly after each monthly payday. We investors would turn over Saudi riyals to be converted at the prevailing dollar exchange rate, and receive a Nugan Hand dollar certificate. ... The monies, we were told, were to be deposited in the Nugan Hand Hong Kong branch for investments in various 'secured' government bonds."

But Aramco wasn't the only company that turned Nugan Hand into a burgeoning financial center. "Other large U.S concerns are said by investors to have boosted Nugan Hand, and let salesmen hold meetings on company property. Among them were Bechtel, the giant international construction firm then guided by George Shultz and Caspar Weinberger, and University Industries, Inc. of San Diego." (University Industries is still around, now known as JWP West. The company website reports that the company was founded "in the mid-1960s as a water supplier to Long Island and Queens, New York, JWP transformed itself through acquisition. By the start of the 1980s, JWP was the nation's largest computer reseller and the biggest electrical and maintenance contractor. Essentially, clients use JWP to help increase productivity and decrease costs by upgrading their facilities through, for example, more efficient communication and computer systems. JWP designs, installs, and supports these technical systems." For more, see: Pollack, Andrew, "JWP Gains Control of Businessland," New York Times, August 6, 1991, and Steinberg, Jacques, "Water Utility of a Thousand Faces," New York Times, November 2, 1991.. )

Employees of Aramco, Beck, Bechtel and University Industries (officials there actually confirmed Kwitny's allegations, to his complete surprise, with the comment, "sounds like you've go quite a story there.") were directed to Bernie Houghton, who talked them into investing in the bank at a promised return of 18%. Houghton only dealt in hard cash, and was seen leaving Bechtel with garbage bags stuffed full of paper money.

When the bank went bust, the employees lost their investments. The scheme made Enron's stock manipulations look like a putting gteen.

UofC political researcher Peter Dale Scott reports on the stunning hypocrisy of George Schultz, who does, however, make a valid point concerning drugs and world terrorism (see http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Drug_War/Cocaine_Politics.html):

"President Reagan came to office with a mission: to roll back the frontiers of world communism, especially in the Third World. Almost from the start he singled out Nicaragua as a dangerous base of Soviet bloc operations in the Western Hemisphere. But with the American public's anticommunist sentiments dulled by a decade of détente and memories of Vietnam, how could his administration revive support for combating the Nicaraguan challenge to U.S. power and credibility?

"One answer was to invent a new threat, closely associated with communism and even more frightening to the public: narco-terrorism. The term, rarely well defined by its users, encompasses a variety of phenomena: guerrilla movements that finance themselves by drugs or taxes on drug traffickers, drug syndicates that use terrorist methods to counter the state's law enforcement apparatus, and state-sponsored terrorism associated with drug crimes.' But in the hands of administration officials, the epithet served a more political than analytical purpose: to capitalize on popular fear of terrorists and drug traffickers in order to mobilize support for foreign interventions against leftist regimes. As two private colleagues of Oliver North noted in a prospectus for a propaganda campaign to link the Sandinistas and drugs, "the chance to have a single issue which no one can publicly disagree with is irresistible.

"Administration spokesmen drove the lesson home through sheer repetition. In January 1986, President Reagan said, 'The link between the governments of such Soviet allies as Cuba and Nicaragua and international narcotics trafficking and terrorism is becoming increasingly clear. These twin evils - narcotics trafficking and terrorism - represent the most insidious and dangerous threats to the hemisphere today.' A year and a half earlier, Secretary of State George Shultz decried the 'complicity of communist governments in the drug trade,' which he called 'part of a larger pattern of international lawlessness by communist nations that, as we have seen, also includes

support for international terrorism, and other forms of organized violence against legitimate governments.'"

(Today, Shulz is still embedded in the drug trade. For more, see: http://narconews.com/Issue40/article1644.html - "Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Prison Profits: Inside the Financial World, Government Agencies and their Private Contractors Lies a Hidden System of Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking and Rigged Stock Market Riches.")