The names of two passengers are selected from the Flight 5191 manifest - Fenton Dawson and Rebecca Adams – two passengers who have never crossed paths before, eking out separate lives, traveling in polar opposite directions ... and their backgrounds just happen to blend into a single, cross-referencing encyclopedia of CIA-military-Nazi-Mafia outrages?
The Deep-Throat-money-trail behind the Intergraph buyout (the backdrop of Adams' life) has led to Dallas, Darwin Deason's clutch of seamy ultra-cons (Dawson's context) with connections to the murder of John Kennedy. This shouldn't happen ... a crash in Reston, Virginia, perhaps ... but in the green breast of the Confederacy, the capital of horse husbandry and cornswill hangovers?
How is it that Moores' JMI Equity (Adams' background) has led to Alex. Brown and the CIA's Mayo Shattuck – who turns up at Rosewood Capital in Dallas, Caroline Hunt's firm, with Deason's ACS/ES&S circle (Dawson context)? Is this likely?
The Intergraph buyout trail stretches to California and three equity houses. Each should have its license revoked – and the FBI needs to investigate. Each has connections to the Hunt family.
• The influence at John Moores' JMI Equity has been delegated to Sicilians by arrangement of Alex. Brown (" ... "someone at Alex. Brown [brokerage] in Baltimore ... told him that he should hook up with me and that we should talk," Lucchino said ((part 15)), in white Alligator staceys and their lieutenants, recruited by the wretched H.L. Hunt to kill foreign leaders.
• The Texas Pacific Group was founded by the Robert M. Bass Group's (Hunt syndicate) investment wonder kid, David Bonderman.
• As for Warren Hellman, well ... when the co-owner of DoubleClick is not on his phone at the San Francisco office – dissembling through another sleazy, "strategic" CIA-Mafia spyware transaction – you'll find him in Dallas, Texas bobbing at his own water level ...
The Rosewood Capital Advisory Board
WARREN HELLMAN – Hellman & Friedman [H&F investments include Axel "Mockingbird" Springer AG, and management comes in the form of Frank Zarb, chairman of AIG's executive committee, and James D. Wolfensohn, former World Bank president, among others of interest.]
MAYO SHATTUCK – CEO, Constellation Energy [Pressed by questions concerning evident foreknowledge of 9/11, Mayo violated a three-year contract and resigned as head of the Deutsche-A.B. – rather than answer questions about that put option activity – to work for Christian Poindexter at Constellation, and Caroline Hunt at Rosewood.]
WALLY HAWLEY – Co-Founder, InterWest Partners [See: "The Dark Side of Silicon Valley's Wealth,"]
DON FISHER - The Gap, Inc. [One of Governor Schwarzenegger's leading
special interest fundraisers, see:; central American sweatshops. See:]
BOB FISHER – Chairman, The Gap, Inc. [Destroying redwoods in California: "Sits on the NRDC board; the NRDC was instrumental in creating the FSC, the group that 'certified' his logging company ... "; central American sweatshops, see:]
MEG WHITMAN – CEO of E-Bay ["House inquiry into Whitman profits raises ethical issues about donations," among other scandals. See,]
SCHUYLER MARSHALL – President, Rosewood Corp. [Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations, with the State Dept.'s Malcolm Barnebey; Andreas Bremer, Director, Dallas Warburg Chapter; Jean Campbell of Piper Rudnick (Lloyd Bentson's old firm, currently the haunt of A.B. Buzzy Krongard, Dick Armey, Dick Gephart); María Antonieta Coello, Hunt-Mexico, Inc.; Kenneth Cohen, ExxonMobil; Lester Coleman, Halliburton; Jordan W. Cowman, Akin Gump; Barry Crossman, Chevron ... ]

What was the motive for booking Rebecca Adams on Flight 5191? (Rarely do corporate managers arrange their own flights. That's handled by a secretary or internal office, and travel personnel know better than to purchase pre-dawn tickets, if scheduling allows.)
Chances are that Intergraph Senior Project Manager Rebecca Adams had no idea, but when she boarded Flight 5191 at Blue Grass Airport early in the morning on August 27, 2006, bound for Elk Grove, California, the combined forces of the Central Intelligence Agency, Bormann Brotherhood and Mafia were were buying out the company that employed her. And it wasn't a hostile takeover. It was mutually acceptable. Rebecca Adams was the only victim of the transition in management.
Intergraph itself was no blushing bride. Apart from the Orwellian connections already mentioned, Intergraph executives hail from NASA, IBM, Arthur Andersen, Exxon, Sperry Rand, KPMG and other baronial conclaves of state robbery.
An Oak Ridge National Laboratory newsletter brags of an emerging surveillance development, gratis Intergraph and homeland security henchmen:
Intergraph TMAS Oak Ridge National Laboratory:
ORNL Components a Part of New Municipal Security System
"ORNL has collaborated with its partners in the Tennessee Valley Corridor Homeland Security Consortium, as well as the U.S. military and private companies, to develop a system that can enhance homeland security. The Total Municipal Awareness System, or T-MAS, is an adaptable situational awareness system that integrates sensors, visualization, communications bridging, automated decision support and information routing. T-MAS can be used as a stand-alone operations center, as a node on a network of such centers, or as augmentation to community 911 centers.
"The system can be either stationary or mobile. The core technology for T-MAS was developed for military applications by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) in Huntsville, Alabama, and is being adapted for homeland security by SMDC and Huntsville-based companies Teledyne Solutions, Intergraph, and Quantum Research. ORNL’s SensorNet and ORNL licensee NucSafe are providing critical sensor input for T-MAS. In addition, ORNL’s LandScan Global Population Data Base will be integrated to assess populations at risk and to develop evacuation and response models.
"In its first use, T-MAS is being implemented in a security evaluation and upgrade project at Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport by the National Safe Skies Alliance with support from Consortium partners. If the technology demonstration is successful, T-MAS could find its way into airports nationwide."
A photo of a T-MAS briefing accompanies the article: "From left to right, Dr. Glenn Priddy, Alabama Homeland Security Technical Director; Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher; Congressman Hal Rogers (R, KY); Dr. Robin White, Director of the UT/ORNL Center for Homeland Security; and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge."122 (The message is clear: Al Qeada, beware – these professional T-MAS terror-stoppers will be monitoring every move you make in Nashville and Chattanooga.)
Rebecca Adams, "a project manager for Intergraph, a Lexington company that designs emergency dispatch systems, was heading to Elk Grove, Calif., to help a police department install one there ... " As project manager, she would have been involved in any homeland security work done by Intergraph, which derives 21 percent of its income from government grants.
But it's more likely that the motive was related to intellectual property.
" ... She was a lover of words, a wizard at crossword puzzles. 'That was something she would admit to,' joked Christopher Adams, her son ... "
And proficient in other areas ... that she would admit to. Adams could cook a mean roast ... but she was also highly trained in developing advanced surveillance and security-communications technology.
Most newspaper reports stated correctly that she was employed in Public Safety (a division of Intergraph SG&I), en route to Elk Grove PD when the plane crashed.
To judge by the newspaper reports, you'd think she was a telephone installer.
What exactly did Rebecca Adams DO at Intergraph? A report found at the attorney Robert Clifford web site puts a finer point on it: "She was on a business trip on behalf of her employer, Intergraph, Inc., where she worked as a Senior Project Manager, being responsible for software design and integration between 911 call centers and police departments."123
She was a software designer. Earlier, we encountered a "software scientist" at Intergraph, Frances Taylor, chairwoman of Republican Women of Huntsville, down in Alabama. Look up the typical job description for "software scientist" – software design.
Now, we have two software designers at Intergraph. One of them is dead. One of them sent hundreds of dollars in the 2004 election cycle to suspects in her murder, which occurred in the next cycle – within a couple months of election day. Another accidental circumstance ... like an airplane taking off on the wrong runway? Possibly.
Like an air controller doing paperwork while the plane he/she is supposed to be monitoring – until it is out of his/her airspace, according to FAA and air controller union regulations – speeds off with its lights on, down a black runway, and crashes into a hillside? Possibly.
But a dogged reporter – one who has been dragged along on this grim investigation by the piggishness of CIA-Republican-Mafia-Bormann-Brotherhood bottom-feeders from the confederacy – who wants ANSWERS, knows what to do in this situation.
Exactly what this one did: you send off an e-mail, a feeler, to Frances Taylor, the Intergraph-Swift Boat (Wyly) connection. You ask her for information on Republican Women of Huntsville.
And you have one more "incidental" question: "Are you related to James F. Taylor?" (J.F. Taylor was a CEO at Intergraph.)
She sends the information on Republican Women, all right, but she doesn't answer the question about J.F. Taylor – even though she knew that she was dealing with a reporter and wrote that she was "glad to help."
So you write Ms. Taylor again by e-mail, and kindly ask if she is related to James F. Taylor. She doesn't respond to this inquiry, either.
Whatever the explanation for clamming up, Ms. Frances Taylor was a "top contributor" to suspects in the death of Rebecca Adams in THIS investigation ... and if she won't answer simple, innocuous questions, well, the FBI really needs to talk to her.
But she did send the list of Republican Women organizations in Alabama, and that will have to do.
As for motives, it was stated earlier that TPG and Hellman & Friedman wanted to acquire Intergraph Corp. in response to "INCREASING DEMAND FOR MAPPING SOFTWARE FOR HOMELAND SECURITY, AND OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION" (See part 10).
But Randall S. Newton, who describes himself as "a veteran journalist with 20 years of experience in the CAD industry," editor-in-chief of (that is, Architecture, Engineering & Construction), wrote in September that Intergraph's patents are "a lusty extra golden nugget for the investors ... "
And we've seen who the investors are ... locusts ...
"Intergraph with just the three software divisions (none of which leads its market) is a good deal. Nice list of clients, respectable products. ... But Intergraph with three software divisions AND a patent portfolio that continues to give the computer hardware industry fits is not a better deal?"
"Intergraph’s Intellectual Property (IP) holdings were the key asset in this deal.124
Rebecca Adams developed 9/11 software, and the core tecnology of T-MAS "was developed for military applications by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) in Huntsville, Alabama," and it involves emergent geo-spatial surveillance technology in coordination with emergency systems. Any patents Adams developed – OR WAS IN THE MIDST OF DEVELOPING – for T-MAS are worth millions. Actually, ANY high-security patents she was working on are valuable in this paranoid climate.
If the FAA and NTSB are correct – if the Comair crash was an accident – then Intergraph's new investors have accidently profited from Rebecca Adams' death.
But the data mining has really only just begun. You need more information. Select another name from the manifest ... and another unseen dimension opens before you ... it will interlock neatly – like an indentured-servant's broken coin – with the backdrops in the lives of Dawson and Adams ...
But you don't know that this early in the investigation, and select another name from the manifest ...
[To be continued ... ]
122.) Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
123.) R. Clifford site.
124.) Randall S. Newton, "It's Not All About the Intergraph Patents?", September 08, 2006.