By Alex Constantine
A whale of a scandal threatens to swallow some half-dozen governments around the world.

The said scandal was represented by some of the passengers of doomed Comair Flight 5191.

This morning's London Times reported: "Saudi Arabia is threatening to SUSPEND DIPLOMATIC TIES with Britain unless Downing Street intervenes to BLOCK AN INVESTIGATION into a £60m 'slush fund' allegedly set up for some members of its royal family." There is no equivocation, coded language or diplomatic mincing of words here: "A senior Saudi diplomat in London has delivered an ULTIMATUM to Tony Blair that unless the inquiry into an allegedly corrupt defence deal is DROPPED, diplomatic links between Britain and Saudi Arabia will be SEVERED."150
In the end, the hardest hit – should it all spill out – will be the Bush administration, which is up to its corpulent chins in unreported Saudi-related scandals. The press doesn't find these especially newsworthy. The Saudis aren't threatening Bush, though – exposure has been effectively blocked in the U.S. (so the desert royals needn't worry) – by dint of some supernatural agency? Baleful spirits? Satan? The Invisible Supermen of Tibet? ...

Seismic upheavals in political history can hinge on a minor slip-up. If not for a piece of tape, whither Nixon? If Eugene Hassenfuss hadn't crashed a plane, those Tow missile sales to Iran might have been an obscure footnote found in a draft by Peter Dale Scott.

" ... Gates was on the board of directors of VoteHere, a strange little company that was the biggest elections industry lobbyist for the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). VoteHere spent more money than ES&S, Diebold, and Sequoia combined to help ram HAVA through. And HAVA, of course, was a bill sponsored by convicted ABRAMOFF (part 17, etc.) pal BOB NEY [R-OH] and K-street lobbyist buddy Steny Hoyer (D-MD), odds-on favorite to become the new House majority leader (Tom Delay's old job).
"HAVA put electronic voting on steroids."151

Gates was CIA director under George HW Bush (12/91-1/93). Gates's immediate deputy was RICHARD KERR – currently an outside director at BAE – who resigned four months (11/91-3/91) after his appointment. Kerr will surface again soon at the heart of this scandal. He was an intelligence analyst at the agency, 1966-1974, stepped up to the staff of the National Security Council, 1974-79, then returned to the Agency. He was since remained in the intelligence sector in some leadership capacity or another.
The "piece of tape" of this instance was a box of police uniforms, purchased by Yuri Montgomery-Malinkovski from Phillip Galls & Sons on Polumbo Road in Lexington, Kentucky, carelessly shipped to Syria, among other countries on the federal export-denied list. This illicit shipment was one of a dozen such exports – of electro-shock weapons, tear gas, double-lock handcuffs, military helmets, etc. – tracked by the Department of Commerce.
Direct, the marketing journal, reported that Galls was contacted by agents "of the U.S. Department of Commerce in connection with record-keeping and documentation of certain export sales. Galls is cooperating with the investigation" of said "certain" exports – by SHREDDING DOCUMENTS, according to employees (part 19). "The probe involves [mostly undefined] shipments that had been made over the course of a FEW YEARS [in fact, until 2001, a long time to hang back, an arms transfer flow that continued uninterrupted by the feds] ... Despite the investigation, the company is in full operation and is fulfilling and shipping orders, according to Grow. Galls is a subsidiary of Aramark Corp., Philadelphia."

A proper investigation would include arms and drug smuggling (doubtful that will make it), international vote-rigging, the employment of NATO troops in the training of Balkan "terrorists," trademark CIA Trading with the Enemy Act violations ... and the DEATHS of 49 people in Lexington, Kentucky, among other things. This is one reason the Saudis issued the ultimatum.

Wood and Peleman: "Federal Express Corporation ('FedEx') of Memphis, TN, agreed to pay a $40,000 civil penalty to settle charges pertaining to a total of five violations of the EAR in connection with exporting on the behalf of [Yuri Montgomery], transporting WITH KNOWLEDGE of a violation of the regulations ... to SYRIA without the required license, and misrepresentations of license code on automated export system record."153 The very idea.
FedEx continued to ship goods to "terrorist" countries for Malinkovski as late as 2001 – two years after his conviction and his placement on the export denial list.
Who at FedEx "with knowledge" considered it imperative to ship banned items to Syria and elsewere – for years – all the while shrugging off proper licensing regulations and falsifying documents to place torture weapons in the hands of the "enemy," seeing as how they could easily be turned on Americans, as Madelaine Albright observed – an act of sedition that the Chamber of Commerce and even some Christlian organizations MIGHT frown upon?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the private mail service has signed on "for a frontline role in the war on terror." The Bush administration claims that "the struggle against terrorism is an unorthodox fight where information and intelligence is as important as guns and bullets. Information is what FedEx has in spades."154
Some FedEx officers have all-too-interesting histories, including:

The deliveries to Macedonia were pre-calculated and had covert sanction. But they were merely drop of the hard rain that has fallen across the country since the fall of the Iron Curtain.
The weapons were shipped to "enemies" of the United States – Syria, Iran, "terrorists" in the Balkans ...
And they were shipped in direct violation of U.S. export law by FedEx (a company founded by a Marine that did, in fact, merge with a CIA proprietary, Flying Tigers, and is on close terms with both the military and the Agency) ...
And none of this has appeared in the public print. But the pieces lay scattered about the sinking American Empire for any reporter to reconstruct.

The death of Boris Trajkovsky has been widely blamed on his successor, Branko Crvenkovski, a former Red. Todor Petrov, leader of the World Macedonian Congress, has gone so far as to make the charge publicly,

But Branko Crvenkovski does not control the area where the plane was disabled and crashed, and the obvious DELAY in "finding" the downed plane was an integral part of the death plot. Elements of SFOR, on the other hand, were practiced at this sort of thing and were secretly in league with extremists in Macedonia. The plane "exploded" seven minutes before it crashed into a mountainous Croatian terrain – in airspace controlled by Croatia's SFOR (a NATA-led Stabilization Force ((as seen in part 21)).160

Washington controls SFOR – the Bush administration. It's extremely doubtful that anyone BUT SFOR could have downed the plane, given its military "stabilization" mission in the region it controlled. And it was SFOR issuing the lame excuses that angered Macedonians. The cover-up proves the crime.
Another plane crash to enter in The Encyclopedia.

British Aerospace Systems, BAE, is one of the firms that has been engaged in wholesale weapons transfers – dove-tailing with the Pepsico/Galls exports– because both were insruments of covert foreign policy. The investigation of BAE and related scandals – PepsiGate – led to the threat Tony Blair received from Saudi Arabia's royal family. This scandal, too, if the Christian God does exist, will one day redound on the Bush adminstration ...

... a utopian's dream? ...
[To be continued ... ]
NEXT ...

Hard Rain in the Balkans, Black Clouds Over D.C. (B)
150.) David Leppard, "Blair hit by Saudi 'bribery' threat," London Times, November 19, 2006.
151.) Bev Harris.
152.) http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060829/NEWS01/308290006
153.) Wood and Peleman, The Arms Fixers.
154.) Robert Block, "In Terrorism Fight, Government Finds a Surprising Ally: FedEx," Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2005. The company has "opened the international portion of its databases, including credit-card details, to government officials." And FedEx has mustered a police force "recognized by the state of Tennessee that works alongside the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Moreover, the company is encouraging its 250,000 employees to be spotters of would-be terrorists. It is setting up a system designed to send reports of suspicious activities directly to the Department of Homeland Security via a special computer link." On the FedEx board of directors sits Charles Manatt, chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1981 to 1985. He was also co-chair of the 1992 Clinton/Gore campaign; also, Steven R. Loranger, chairman, president & CEO of ITT Corp.
155.) "List of Skull & Bones Members," Wikipedia entry.
156.) Flying Tigers web site, "China Tiger: Claire Lee Chennault, 1893-1958 (part 2),"
" ... The CIA loaned money to keep the airline in business, and eventually it bought out Chennault's company ... "
Director bios: FedEx web site. http://www.fedex.com/us/about/today/bios.html#1
157.) Ibid.
158.) See, "Plague Plane Down? FedEx Cargo Included Lab Viruses," Peace, Earth & Justice News, October 6, 2005.
159.) See, "Branko Crvenkovski secrets will be ever discovered?" August 17, 2004.
160.) For reference, see the SFOR web page.
"On 14 December 1995 the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) was signed in Paris, after it had been negotiated in Dayton, Ohio. On 16 December the Alliance's North Atlantic Council launched the largest military operation ever undertaken by the Alliance, Operation Joint Endeavour. Based on UN Security Council Resolution 1031, NATO was given the mandate to implement the military aspects of the Peace Agreement. A NATO-led multinational force, called the Implementation Force (IFOR), started its mission on 20 December 1995. IFOR was given a one-year mandate. Its primary mission was to implement Annex 1A (Military Aspects) of the Peace Agreement ... "
161.) SFOR Informer's bio page for William Ward.
162.) http://www.nato.int/sfor/docu/d981116a.htm
163.) Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff, "TERRORISM AGAINST SERBIA IS NO CRIME," Global Resistance, 25 May 2001.
Also see, Jared Israel, "Gentle Reign: Washington Makes It Perfectly Clear in Kosovo & Macedonia," March 17, 2001: