McManus received a bachelor's degree in physics from Holy Cross College, served three years as a Marine Corps officer, and began a career as an electronics engineer in 1960. He has appeared on the C-SPAN network many times and has been the subject of interviews conducted by Pat Buchanan, Larry King and many other radio and television hosts.
McManus is also the author of five books and countless pamphlets and magazine articles.
Bircher John McManus - a "Constitutionalist" - Advocates "Scrapping" the Constitution
"Webmaster" writes: "You apparently have no idea what facist means."
Fascism = Unbridled Corporatism. This is how Mussolini defined it, and he conceived of fascism as a bulwark against the left (like the Birch Society, and it is done with blatant lies) so Il Duce gets to define it any way he pleases.
The Birch Society is a fairly well-known fascist front, and its purpose is to destroy the left with fascist machinations and propaganda. They are are offended by democracy ("America is a republic!"). They boast of engaging in "covert operations," supposedly aping the fanstasy "communist" straw men they rail against to push the country further to the right (Nazis are covert operators). Members have been known to mingle with former SS officers and Party Nazis. Early funding came from Nelson Bunker Hunt, a domestic Nazi who funds far-right (fascist) fronts. Birchers took up Joseph McCarthy's mantle and drove the anti-communist hysteria of the early '60s. Birchers founded Wester Goals, a highly illicit surveillance front, to spy on hundreds of thousands of liberals in Southern California. They were instrumental in the murder of John F. Kennedy. Anti-liberal fantasist Glenn Beck is one of their better-known current "mainstream" media shills ...
"Webmaster": "[Birch Society leader John] McManus is a constitutionalist. He believes in LESS GOVERNMENT not more like you liberal scumbags."
A "Constitutionalist?"
John McManus Advocates "Scrapping" the Constitution

By Coley Michalik
WEST ROXBURY - Members of the John Birch Society believe in protecting the U.S. Constitution from what they consider to be wavering while maintaining its integrity. ...
From: "The Rasmussen Reports Poll: Loading The Roll Of The Dice
The article discusses inaccuracies of a recently released Rasmussen Reports poll concerning the Constitution"
by Bill Walker
June 15, 2009
... Only groups from the extreme political right, such as the John Birch Society, have ever advocated the Constitution can be scrapped. In their opposition to an Article V Convention one of their major arguments is a convention may write a new constitution. To arrive at this conclusion means JBS accepts the premise the Constitution may be "scrapped" in the first place. ...
Birchers are, beneath the jingoistic facade, domestic Nazis, like "Constitutionalist"
John McManus.
The Constitution is no more than a prop used to dupe the ignorant.
They have also advocated scrapping the Bill of Rights.
Webmaster: "You must be the product of the public schools."
LOL. Then I would be in deep trouble - fascism is not taught on campus because if it was, students would catch on that they live under fascist rule. I'm self-taught and have been writing about fascism for two decades. I know it like the back of my hand - and that's about all you'll ever get from me.
BTW, "Scumbag" is as a scumbag does ...
- AC