At the WestCare Foundation in Florida, where Arnold Andrews worked, you find:
• Virginia Rowell, a WestCare director, manager of Social Services in St. Petersburg. At the July 12, 2005 Board of County Commissioners meeting, Ms. Rowell was nominated to the Social Action Funding Committee by Pinellas County Commissioner SUSAN LATVALA (the Semblers' right-hand woman and Operation Par director), and the motion was approved by the board.252 Rowell is a member of the Defense Department's Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, director of the Pinellas Board County License Board for Childrens' Centers and the local Homeless Policy Group.253

• Chief Clinical Officer Robert L. Neri was, like the late Arnold Andrews, an executive vice president at Operation Par. Neri has over 20 years of experience in the health care field, and has been responsible for the design and oversight of nonprofit substance abuse treatment providers in West Central Florida. Neri is past chairman of the "Standards and Ethics Committee" for TCA, and has been a registered evaluator of the Counseling and Credentialing Board of TCA since 1978. He has been a member of the

There have been untold casualties. Some are known ... "GARY WEBB WAS INVESTIGATING ACS [Affiliated Computer Services, the core of the Guantanamo torture scandal, employer of Comair casualty Fenton Dawson – cf. parts 1-5] and contract fraud in CA when he committed suicide on Dec. 10," Internet journalist Wayne Madsen wrote in a December 2004 e-mail to the Daily Kos web site.261

Madsen: "The more the Bushes fire additional government insiders, the more stuff is leaked to me about this election fraud. This smoking gun is...the election voting machine companies (all run by extreme right-wing [Dominionist], 'End Timers') conspired with the homeland security and other database firms – all conveniently located in FL, OH, and TX – to rig the vote.... Not only this last election but several previous ones were 'fixed' by a dangerous group of right-wing [Dominionists] who dominate the election machine industry and various GOP Secretary of State and congressional offices. They (known as 'The Fellowship') have been planning this coup for a very long time but now that their 'man' is in the White House they are not about to leave through a fair electoral process."

That electoral corruption has led directly to mass "faith-based" infiltration of the national social services apparat by the CIA DuPont-Sembler mind control spin-offs, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the WestCare Foundation, and a host other unsavories – all feeding at the public ecumenical- and corporate-welfare trough.
Steve McElravy, the Ananda Marga devotee, hired into the Bush administration under the faith-based initiative at Health & Human Services. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has been instrumental in shaping anti-tobacco policy at H&HS.262 And the Foundation's interests are far from altruistic, as the "smoking rights" Clearing the Air web site notes: "ALZA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson [have] developed products have provided therapy for millions of patients throughout the world ... including transdermal (D-TRANS), which has found applications in many widely used pharmaceutical products, such as NicoDerm CQ (nicotine) via site-specific targeting."
J & J bought up Alza in 2001. "RWJF financial holdings include but not limited to 80,499,208 and 86,853,208 shares of Johnson & Johnson Common Stock in 2003 and 2002, respectively. This information is found on page eight of 2004 financials for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. At today's Johnson & Johnson price per share 67.36, that's just a shade over $5.4 billion dollars. ... Since the 1998 election cycle, employees of the pharmaceutical and health product industry, their family members and industry political action committees have given $133 million in campaign contributions to candidates running for federal and state offices."
The financial manipulation is epitomized by a handsome $160,000.00 grant from Nicoderm to the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.264
Under the banner of a subsidiary, McNeil Consumer Products, Johnson & Johnson markets the Nicotrol nicotine patch and nicotine inhaler. RWJF, J&J's controlling sharehold, began the massive funding of tobacco control in the U.S. in 1991 – the same year the FDA granted approval to the nicotine patch.265

Such a public record would leave little to base faith in the Bush Syndicate upon, given its ecumenical ... ahhh ... perorations, and this may well explain why two dedicated *liberals* tied to SAMHSA and the GW Bush administration perished in flames.

[To be continued ... ]
NEXT ...


252.) Meeting minutes, "Item #44, County Commission Miscellaneous – Board of Pinellas County Commissioners Meeting," Clearwater, Florida, Tuesday, July 12, 2005.
253.) For "Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS) Meeting Minutes," December 5-6, 2005, see:
On the Pinellas County Homeless Policy Group:
254.) "Robert L. Neri, Chief Clinical Officer, WestCare, St. Petersburg, Fla."
255.) "Antonio Sledd," The Iraq Page, November 05 2005.
Also see: http://openweb.tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/2002-10/2002-10-09-NBC-4.html
Kuwait denies the al Qaeda accusation:
256.) Nicholas Blanford, "Kuwaiti court rejects confessions by Al-Qaeda suspects," Lebanon Daily Star, December 17, 2002.
" ... Osama al-Monawer, the defense lawyer, told the panel of three magistrates that the case deserved to be dismissed. 'The defendants were arrested and tortured. They confessed under duress and in the absence of a lawyer, which is illegal under the Kuwaiti Constitution,' Monawer said. He added that Fadhli had claimed '20 sticks were broken across his back' during the interrogation sessions. At the end of the hour-long hearing, the magistrates rejected the testimonies and ordered a public cross-examination of the accused. ... "
257.) http://www.netinstitute.org/leaders.htm
258.) Net Institute site.
259.) Michelle Bearden, "Islam Offers Identity For Some Blacks," Islam Awareness site (reprint), March 4, 2003.
260.) See: Leonara LaPeter, "Front Porch's choice for grant raises eyebrows," St. Petersburg Times, January 14, 2001.
261.) "Madsen: End of Year Update on Investigation," Daily Kos, Dec 31, 2004.
262.) SAMHSA and RWJF, see: http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2001pres/01fstbco.html
Also: www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/publications/pdf/PP-Ch8.pd
263.) "Why is a pharmaceutical company funding smoking bans all around the country?" July 09, 2005.
On the ALZA takeover, see: http://www.alza.com/alza/tl_2001
264.) http://www.forces.org/evidence/files/pharma.htm
265.) Wanda Hamilton, "Pharmaceutical Players – Drug Companies Involved With 'Cessation' Products," July 13, 2001.
266.) Davey G. Smith, "Lifestyle, health, and health promotion in Nazi Germany," BMJ 18; 329 (7480): 1424–1425, BMJ Publishing Group, December 2004.