(USAF Gen. and current CIA Director Michael Hayden, the ACTUAL "mastermind" of 9/11, answers whiffle-ball questions during his Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, May 18, 2006. - AC)

" ... Those who have ruled the United States of America in the last seven years are very interesting characters. These are U.S. security officials who played well the cards of patriotism, grandeur of the country, and struggle against the exterior enemy, in the right time. They are called neoconservatives there. ... "
June 07, 2007
Those who have ruled the United States of America in the last seven years are very interesting characters. These are U.S. security officials who played well the cards of patriotism, grandeur of the country, and struggle against the exterior enemy, in the right time. They are called neoconservatives there. Many of them began with leftist beliefs, being nearly Communists. But then they re-adjusted, found their place in the capitalist environment and large business. They cast away their communistic beliefs, leaving hurray-patriotic ones only.

What are neoconservative security officials famous for? They stand for more decisive foreign policy, more active intervention into the affairs of neighbors and not just them, they use tougher rhetoric. They like to threaten with sanctions and missile strikes. The country’s image worsened worldwide during the years of their rule.
Besides, neocon security officials very much dislike liberal press. At any neocon website, one can easily order a T-shirt with their signature slogan “Save a tree – renounce liberal newspaper subscription”.

Security neocons like to present themselves as the keepers of old nice traditions, to defend historic justice, and to discourse upon their country’s special mission. For instance, when some European states did not support the war in Iraq, initiated by the security neocons, the latter were outraged by the dark ungratefulness of the Europeans: “Our grandfathers spilled their blood 60 years ago to liberate them from Fascists, and now they are turning their back on us.” For such blasphemy, the French were called worms, at the highest level, and sanctions against them were imposed, like renaming French fries into Freedom fries in the menu of the Congress’ canteen. Besides, the neocons spent recent years at the front of anti-terrorism struggle, accusing of it all kinds of objectors.

The current undertaking of these guys close to the president is the struggle against illegal immigration. The matter is, both houses of the U.S. Congress are controlled by the Democratic Party that plans to carry out amnesty for illegal immigrants: to legalize the stay in the U.S. for everyone who is already working anyway at construction sites, in stores, and service sectors. So, the neocons are against. No need to explain why. Outer threat is to be counteracted, period.
Thus, there is no point describing how unpleasant many views of these people are. President Putin was quite right in saying that it leads to dictate, imperialism, and such. Although, it’s not so bad. Even inside the current U.S. president’s own party, many members criticize the security neocons, and denounce the president’s policy. And even bring to trial some representatives of the president’s administration. So, no matter who becomes the next U.S. president - Republican or Democrat - the grouping of neoconservative security officials will lose power in the United States.
Mikhail Zygar, special correspondent
All the Article in Russian as of June 07, 2007