Tink you belly mooch, ugly Americans,
- Alex Constantine
Germany 1936-1945 Romania 1948-1952
Anderson, S.& J. Inside the League. 1986 (19)
Ashman,C. Wagman,R. The Nazi Hunters. 1988 (310)
Bellant,R. Old Nazis. 1989 (22)
Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 (200, 277-8)
Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 (xxvii, 227-8, 234-42)
Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (46, 51)
Reese,M. General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. 1990 (112-7, 215)
Ryan,A. Quiet Neighbors. 1984 (5, 218-39, 243-4, 353-4)
Simpson,C. Blowback. 1988 (xiii, 246, 252-9, 286)
Volkman,E. Baggett,B. Secret Intelligence. 1989 (104)
Volkman,E. Warriors of the Night. 1985 (38, 40-1, 45-7)