Warren Buffet, 9/11 & Fiduciary Trust
The Wyly Brothers, sponsors of the Swift Boat Vets for Truth group, are key suspects in the Comair crash, IMHO, which has a number of links to 9/11. At least two of victims of the crash have ties to Five Star Trust, a highly-illicit offshore trust established in the Isle of Man, managed by the Wyly brothers - the source of funds for vote-rigging in the past two presidential elections, and those stupid ads about John Kerry. (More to come on all of this.)
This set of research summaries link the Veterans for "Truth" to Buffet and Co., Buffet to Bush and 9/11.
Fiduciary Trust Company International is a member of Franklin Templeton Investments and a global asset management firm established in 1931 to serve private clients and institutions. One of the world’s oldest global investment firms, Fiduciary Trust Company International manages assets for institutions, individuals, and families through offices in New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Washington, Wilmington, London, Geneva, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Tokyo, and Grand Cayman. Along with global investment expertise, Fiduciary Trust provides client-tailored portfolio management and independent in-house research and analysis. Trust provides client-tailored portfolio management and independent in-house research and analysis. [1] Fiduciary Trust also does Risk management.
Thomas Kean
Thomas Kean, the Chairman of the 9-11 Commission was at the time of his appointment director of Amerada Hess Corporation and Aramark Corporation, and had previously served as director of UnitedHealth Group, Bell Atlantic Corp (now Verizon) and CIT Group, as well as being a former CHAIRMAN and board member of FIDUCIARY TRUST Company International and Pepsi Bottling Group.
Only five months before the attacks, mutual fund firm Franklin bought Fiduciary -- a 70-year-old asset manager catering to high-net worth clients and institutional investors -- for $825 million....
Fiduciary had learned from the 1993 terrorist bombing at the World Trade Center -- its home since 1973 -- to keep its disaster recovery plan current, Tatlock said. It backed up systems nightly with the disaster recovery unit of Comdisco Inc...
Through the first two weeks after the attacks, Franklin had paid out $16.46 million in benefits payments to victims' families, according to its annual report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Franklin could write off $19.8 million in lease, property and equipment leases -- and recover an estimated $27.2 million from insurance ...
9/11 - Ann Tatlock, a CEO at Fiduciary Trust located in the South WTC Tower, is on her way to an early morning charity event at the U.S. Strategic Command Center at Offutt AFB in Nebraska -- where Bush later flew to for "safety" -- hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett and is escorted by military officers into an officer's lounge with a TV and watches the 2nd hijacked plane crash right into her offices.
"On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower.
Moments later, back in Omaha, a television picture flashed on a large screen, and Tatlock witnessed the second plane plowing into the south tower.
"There on the screen, I saw the second plane crash into my office," Tatlock recalled." - San Francisco Business Times (week of 02/04/02)
"Anne Tatlock found out about the collision of a plane with the North Tower while en route to the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha. The 62-year-old chief executive of Fiduciary Trust Co.
International was one of a small group of business leaders at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. Military officers boarded the bus she was on, and escorted her to an officer's lounge and a television, just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower between the 87th and 93rd floors--right where 650 of her employees worked.
Fiduciary, which today manages $44 billion of securities for pension plans, endowments and wealthy individuals..." - Forbes (10/15/01)
"On the morning of September 11, 2001, Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, was watching television in his home in Omaha, Nebraska, as he got ready to host his last annual Charity Classic golf and tennis tournament." - Robert P. Miles (05/02)
"3:07 p.m. – Bush arrives at U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska." - September11News.com ...
9/11 - Fiduciary Trust, located in the south tower, had scheduled an EMERGENCY DRILL for the day.
City Releases Tapes of 911 Calls From Sept. 11 Attack
"Just before the south tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m., a spurt of calls reached the 911 operators. One of these was from Shimmy Biegeleisen, who worked for Fiduciary Trust in the south tower on computer systems. He was on the 97th floor where, by chance, an emergency drill had been scheduled for that day." - NY Times (03/31/06)
Fiduciary employees trapped between the 90-97th floors of the South Tower told family members (via cell-phone calls) that they were hearing 'BOMB-LIKE EXPLOSIONS' throughout the towers. 2) Video cameras positioned atop the World Trade Center which were used to feed daily images to local television stations were inexplicably inoperative that morning. 3) A Fiduciary employee who was on one of the lower floors and escaped immediately after the first (North) tower was struck, reported that he was amazed by the large number of FBI agents that were already on the streets surrounding the WTC complex only minutes after the initial strike."
Comic Relief from Alex Cockburn
The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts
How They Let the Guilty Parties of 9/11 Slip Off the Hook
by Alexander Cockburn; CounterPunch; September 10, 2006
You trip over one fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts.... People inside who survived the collapse DIDN'T HEAR A SERIES OF EXPLOSIONS ...
So where was Warren Buffett the morning of 9/11 and what was he doing?
Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is, coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in the day for "safety." This early golf charity event hosted by Mr. Buffett was to include celebrities, professional athletes, and a small group of business leaders in which one of these business leaders became a very lucky person.
This very lucky person was Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Now what made Mrs. Tatlock such a lucky person for being invited to this charity event that morning? Mrs. Tatlock not only works in the World Trade Center, but her offices were right where Flight 175 crashed into the South WTC Tower. She was escorted by military officers to an officer's lounge with TV to watch it happen.
"Anne Tatlock found out about the collision of a plane with the North Tower while en route to the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha. .... MILITARY OFFICERS boarded the bus she was on, and escorted her to an officer's lounge and a television, just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower between the 87th and 93rd floors--right where 650 of her employees worked. Fiduciary, which today manages $44 billion of securities for pension plans, endowments and wealthy individuals..." -Forbes (10/15/01)
Ms. Tatlock was in Omaha, Neb., at a conference sponsored by Warren Buffett when she heard about the disaster. "I thought, why would they joke, then I saw the TV," she said. -Wall Street Journal (9/12/01) ► 3:07 p.m. – Bush arrives at U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. -September11News.com ► The United States Strategic Command, or USSTRATCOM, is headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Now why was the 2nd richest man in the world hosting a charity event so earlier in the morning at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters that particular day and what are the odds that a CEO was invited who's offices were right where one of the hijacked airplanes crashed into? Some other questions that arise from this "charity event" is: 1. What was this charity event about? 2. Who were the rest of the business leaders that attended, why were they invited, and who invited them? An interesting angle about Ann Tatlock's company, Fiduciary Trust Co. International, is that President Bush's nominee to head the panel that's investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to serve as the company's director which has a lot of wealthy clients... ► President Bush named former New Jersey Gov. THOMAS KEAN, a moderate Republican with a record of bipartisan cooperation, to replace Henry Kissinger as head of the panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
He serves on several corporate boards, including those of the international petroleum company Amerada Hess Corp., the Pepsi Bottling Group and Aramark Corp., which manages food and support services at office buildings, sports arenas and other facilities. Aramark ran the food court on top of 2 World Trade Center as well as concessions and tours of the observation deck. Several of its employees died in the tower. Also, Kean has long served as director of FIDUCIARY TRUST CO., a financial company that lost 87 employees in the World Trade Center.
Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband died in the trade center Sept. 11 while working for Fiduciary Trust and who is a leader of September 11th Advocates, said about Kean, "Assuming he has no conflicts, I hope he can do the job that needs to be done." Breitweiser noted that Fiduciary was a leaseholder of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which would be part of the investigation. -USA Today (12/16/02) ► BOARD OF DIRECTORS, FIDUCIARY TRUST COMPANY INTERNATIONAL THOMAS H. KEAN: PRESIDENT, DREW UNIVERSITY AND FORMER GOVERNOR, NJ ► "Ellen Kratzer, an investment advisor who worked near the top of the World Trade Center's south tower, returned to work yesterday morning, at her firm's "business resumption centre" in New Jersey.
More than 100 people are missing from her firm, Fiduciary Trust Co. International, yet she and her colleagues were phoning clients to let them know business is continuing. These are wealthy investors with a lot at stake -- Fiduciary's average client family has more than US$10-million in assets." -Raven Investment (9/15/01) One interesting note about Ann Tatlock is that she is a trustee of the HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTION (HHMI) along with former Secretary of State and current Carlyle Group advisor James A. Baker III who's law firm, Baker Botts LLP, is defending Saudi Arabia against the trillion dollar lawsuit filed by the families of 9/11 victims. HHMI also employed Don C. Wiley, one of the dozen distinguished microbiologists that have mysteriously died within five months of each other shortly after 9/11. ► "Anne M. Tatlock, chairman and chief executive officer of Fiduciary Trust Company International, has been elected a trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)." -HHMI (1/25/01) "James A. Baker III, secretary of state under George Bush and secretary of the treasury under Ronald Reagan, has been elected a Trustee of HHMI.
Baker is a senior partner in the law firm of Baker & Botts." -HHMI (2/01/96)
"Background AttackAftermath Evidence Disinformation Analysis Memorial
Attack Warnings
People who Avoided the Airlines and the Twin Towers
... What is more informative than who failed to act on a tip, is who acted on a tip. A number of people apparently knew to stay clear of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Government Officials and Business LeadersThere is evidence that a group of Pentagon officials was warned to avoid the attack targets. Newsweek reported: 2 Three weeks ago there was another warning that a terrorist strike might be imminent - On September 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.
A number of business leaders who would normally have been in the World Trade Center, were instead at a meeting hosted by Warren Buffet on September 11th at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. That group included Anne Tatlock, CEO of Fiduciary Trust Inc., a company that occupied five floors on or above the 90th floor of the South Tower. 3 (This is the same Air Force Base that George W. Bush would fly to later that day. It has an underground command center.) 4 San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted to having received a warning from what he described as his airport security late Monday evening, just hours before the attack. Salman Rushdie, who is under the continuous protection of Scotland Yard, was prevented from flying on September 11th, 2001. Ariel Sharon, who was scheduled to give an address to Israeli support groups in New York City on September 11th, cancelled his plans the day before. Privilleged CompaniesAnother group of people that received warnings in advance of the attack were employees of Odigo, the instant messaging service. Two employees received e-mail messages two hours before the first World Trade Center assault, predicting the attack. 6 According to reporter Christopher Bollyn, Zim American Israeli Shipping Co. broke a lease in order to vacate the World Trade Center just days before the attack. Bollyn's source claims that Zim's lease extended through the end of the year and that the termination cost $50,000."
[NOTE: Willie Brown's warning came from Condoleeza Rice, not "airport security," http://propagandamatrix.com/willie_brown_got_low_key_early_warning.html]
Charles Schwab,Warren Buffett,James Dale Davidson,Overstock.com Patrick Byrne,stock fraud
U.S. SEC, WARREN BUFFET, James Dale Davidson, Overstock.com Patrick Byrne, stock fraud by Tony Ryals Thursday, May. 11, 2006 at 8:22 AM These links provide additional details and this is one BIG story involving Schwab's aiding in illegal 'pump and dump ' accounts for LOM of Bermuda and eventually leading to boiler rooms in Kuala Lumpur and Dubai that may include post 911 money laundering with shares the SEC refuses to audit.Immediately below are links to other aspects of this story that IS MAJOR SECURITIES FRAUD CHARLES SCHWAB HAS PROFITED FROM AND TERRORISTS OR MONEY LAUNDERERS MAY HAVE BENEFITTED !
Mr. Buffett acknowledged that he has a "friend" who is very concerned with naked short selling, a reference to Patrick Byrne, the chairman and chief executive of Overstock.com, an online "close-out" retailer. ... Mr. Buffett and Mr. Byrne go back a long way; Mr. Byrne's father, Jack Byrne, was long-time head of Geico, Berkshire's automobile-insurance subsidiary. - from Wall Street Journal This story has a Houston area connection because the fraudulent attorney John M O'Quinn has been and still is aiding and abetting massive penny stock fraud.Do google search ' john o'quinn ryals ' for my writing on O'Quinn's aiding and abetting of penny stock fraud that may include aiding and abetting of tax fraud and money laundering. ... When you are a successful stock fraud attorneys are always available to defend your fraud and attorney O'Quinn loves helping criminals evade prosecution and gain from fraud,whether it be medical frauds or stock frauds or other.He should be disbarred by Texas bar along with his slimy partners in crime Wes Christian and Judge Ken Reilly of Montgomery, Texas. Yes O'Quinn who would represent then ripoff women who were victims of silicon breast implants and then pull another medical-legal fraud involving 'silicosis' has no moral standards.But hey he owns the pope's old jalopy, bought for under a million and he buys and sells doctors and institutions in Houston so he must be doing something right....yeah far right as my article titled,'The Byrnes, John Edwards, Attorney O'Quinn, Swift Boat Vets, Money Laundering, ' whose link can be found below explains: http://chapelhill.indymedia.org/news/
2005/10/16530.php Below is from a 2002 BusinessWire press release where 'famed trial attorney O'Quinn ' lies about 'naked shorting ' to help the Endovasc fraud team of Montgomery,Texas.Of course the fraudulent attorney Wes Christian deserves kudos for helping post 911 money laundering with unaudited penny stock shares as well,(do google search ' bellador group ' ),that may have aided terrorism as well for all he knows or cares.: Endovasc Announces Shareholder and Dividend Alert Business Wire, Nov 12, 2002 Business Editors & Health/Medical Writers MONTGOMERY, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 12, 2002 Endovasc (OTCBB:ENVC) - a biotechnology company with two new cardiovascular drugs approved for final FDA phase III trials -announced today that it has -- in the opinion of its consultants -- uncovered an oversold position in excess of 1,000,000 shares in the company's stock, held primarily by The Charles Schwab Corp. (NYSE:SCH), Ameritrade (Nasdaq:AMTD) and Refco. The findings are a result of an ongoing litigation intelligence work conducted in connection with the $216 million stock manipulation lawsuit filed by Endovasc and accepted on contingency basis by the legendary trial attorney John O'Quinn, who also won the record $17.3 billion dollar settlement for the State of Texas vs. Big Tobacco. "The oversold position in our company's stock can actually be great news for our shareholders," says Dr. David P. Summers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Endovasc. "The overselling in our stock in the past few weeks does not seem to have had a negative impact on our share price. But, if shareholders actually asked for physical delivery of the shares they bought, the market would probably have to pay a premium in order to deliver them."
The Byrnes, John Edwards, Attorney O'Quinn, SWIFT BOAT Vets, Money Laundering http://www.chapelhill.indymedia.org/news/2005/10/16530.php