AUGUST 3, 2008
In the recent newspaper stories about the Brighton Township supervisor candidates, I noticed that Tom Murphy was a co-founder of Livingston County's local Americans for Prosperity. Never having heard of this group, I did a little searching around on the Internet, and what I found should concern everyone.
Americans for Prosperity was founded by David Koch, the owner of Koch Industries, the largest privately held company in the United States. Koch Industries includes oil and gas production, chemicals, pipelines, asphalt, commodities trading, lumber and paper. Koch Industries has been one of the largest polluters in the country.

Americans for Prosperity is largely funded by the Koch brothers. Americans for Prosperity's top items are convincing people that climate change is a hoax and deregulating government. Coincidence?
That is all bad enough, but here is one more shocker. Fred Koch, father of David and Charles, was a co-founder of the John Birch Society.
If Mr. Murphy is elected to lead our township, will these extremist views be on his agenda?
Sue Kelly
Brighton Township