June 02, 2009

CHRIS MATTHEWS: How well does she [Sonia Sotomayor] compare to Howard [sic] Carswell?
BUCHANAN: Harrold Carswell? I would think probably she's right in the same league, Chris.
MATTHEWS (laughing): Pat, that's an insult, and you know it. That -- Lawrence --
BUCHANAN (laughing): I supported Carswell!
Buchanan not only supported Carswell when Nixon nominated him in 1970, he continues to defend Carswell against charges of racism. In a 2005 column, Buchanan claimed "Liberals smeared Nixon nominees [Clement] Haynesworth and Carswell as racists."
Now, where ever would anyone have gotten the idea that Harrold Carswell was a racist? Maybe from a speech Carswell gave at an American Legion gathering in which he said: "I believe that segregation of the races is proper ... and the only practical and correct way of life in our states. I yield to no man in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy and I shall always be so governed."
Yeah, that's probably it. ...