In 2004 i almost already laid it all out.

New Codes had to be written (see also JMMTIDS below), not only for a "StarWars" project, but also for 'Earth Wars' which included an endless list of profiteers in the Surveillance Industry.
Start with NASA and Google Earth (NSA/In-Q-Tel) and you always end up at U.S. Miltary Intelligence, Los Alamos and the most important U.S. intelligence companies, NGA (formerly known as NIMA) plus the NRO.
Star Wars technology, coming soon to a planet near you. \ May 19, 1999
"... Check the possibilities below and click to the stories about the research that NASA is conducting today to make tomorrow happen...
...Transmitting enough data through a communications line to produce 3D images, or just satisfy Internet access for everyone, is one of the challenges facing modern communications. Traditional silica-based optical fibers can't quite haul the load, but exotic heavy-metal glass fibers called ZBLAN, manufactured in the microgravity of space, hold tremendous promise. For superfast computing when the data arrive, nonlinear optics may hold the answer....
...The droids came marching two by two
Where do the carbon-based life forms in Star Wars get all those droids? NASA scientists plan to 'breed' better spacecraft using artificial intelligence...
Michael Booen, VP, Raytheon, on directed energy weapons
November 07, 2001
Michael Booen, VP, Raytheon, on directed energy weapons
Michael Booen is Vice President of Raytheon's new Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) product line.
This line includes high-energy laser (HEL) and high-power microwave (HPM) weapons.
Q. What is the goal of the directed energy weapons product line?
A. Raytheon's goal is to develop, produce and field leap-ahead directed energy weapons, enabling war fighters to put energy on target at the speed of light. Taking directed energy technology to a weapon system implies transitioning this technology from the laboratory to a production weapon system...
Q. Where might DEWs be deployed?
A. DEW systems will proliferate across all spectrums of military utility. High-energy lasers are today being put on a Boeing 747 wide body called the Airborne Laser weapon system, which is designed to shoot down enemy Scud missiles in their boost phase of flight.
Q. When might DEWs be deployed?
A. Some of our High Power Microwave systems are on the verge of use today. And while chemical laser systems like the Airborne Laser will be deployed in the next few years, you will see solid-state electric lasers by the end of the decade....
High energy lasers: A primer on directed energy weapons for space use Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.
Publication Date: 09/1984 Category: Lasers and Masers
The rapid and inevitable commercialization and exploitation of space, which is now gaining increased momentum as the Space Shuttle program settles into a regular monthly schedule, is inescapably increasing our dependence on space-based systems of all kinds. These systems have become vital national interests, the defense of which must be considered whenever realistic war-time scenarios are developed....
Title: Nuclear reactor magnetohydrodynamic power generator for directed energy weapons.
Authors: Swallom, Daniel W. Affiliation: Avco-Everett Research Lab., MA. Publication: In New Mexico Univ., Transactions of the Fourth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems p 351-354 (SEE N88-24254 17-73) Publication Date: 00/1987 Category: Plasma Physics Origin: STI
...The SDI electrical power requirements for directed energy weapons (DEW) may range from tens of megawatts to over hundreds of megawatts.... Fourth Annual Directed Energy Symposium 29 October - 1 November 2001
The Symposium provided forums for the interchange of scientific and technical information in the fields of High Energy Lasers (HELs), High Power Microwaves (HPMs), and HEL active sensing. The Symposium had sessions that were classified SECRET and unclassified PUBLIC DOMAIN. The Huntsville Marriott was the Symposium hotel. Classified sessions were held at Camber and CSC facilities in Huntsville.
Best Paper Awards
Gerald Wilson, MTHEL Program Manager in SMDC, won the Best Paper award for his presentation at the 2001 Annual DE Symposium. The Best Student Paper award was won by Wesley Walker of the University of Alabama, Huntsville. Both of these awards included a $500 prize, funded by Brashear LP, a DEPS sponsor. These awards were based on technical quality, presentation, and importance to the future of Directed Energy, as judged by a technical panel of experts selected by DEPS as part of the Symposium Organizing Committee. The recipient of the Student Best Paper award must be a current university or college student...
Tuesday, 30 October 2001 0800 - 1715 Session 1: Directed Energy Vision Chair: Dr Randy Buff, USASMDC
Session 3a: DE (Lasers) Technologies Chair: Mr. Richard Bradshaw, Director, DE PM Office, USASMDC
+ Introduction and Overview - Mr. Bradshaw
+ Propagation of an Intense Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Beam Through the Atmosphere - X-Ray Stinger Concept
Dr. Charles Rhodes, Drs. Borisov and Boyer, University of Illinois at Chicago - Dr. John Davis, NRL
+ High Energy Laser Damage to Graphite Epoxy Aerospace Structures - Dr. William Laughlin, Physical Sciences, Inc.
+ Modeling and Simulation Analysis Tools for Directed Energy Weapons - Dr. Hartmut Legner, Physical Sciences, Inc.
+ Radiatively Cooled Laser Systems - Mr. Steven Bowman, et al, NRL
+ Theory and Experiments in Parallel Flow Mist Cooling - Dr. C.B. Baxi, et al, General Atomics
+ Thermal Analysis of the Surface High Energy Laser - Mr. Wesley Walker, et al, University of Alabama in Huntsville (Student Presentation)
+ Surface High Energy Lasers - Dr. Richard Fork, et al, University of Alabama in Huntsville
+ Enhanced Laser Neutralization of Landmines and UXOs in Main Supply Route, Wide Area, and Active Range Clearance Missions Using GPS Targeting Dr. Owen Hofer, et al, SPARTA, Inc.
+ A Laser Probe for Atmospheric Turbulence - Drs. G.G. Gimmestad and D.W. Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology
+ Optical Design of Solar Pumped High Energy Laser - Mr. Spencer Cole, et al, University of Alabama in Huntsville (Student Presentation)
+ New Approach to Robust Optics for HEL Systems - Dr. C.M. Stickley, et al, University of Central Florida
+ Use of Large Adaptive Optic Mirrors in Ship Defense - Dr. H.E. Bennett, et al, Bennett Optical Research, Inc.
see also: Research Snippets Charles Falkenberg and the NASA/NGA -"StarWars"/"EarthWars" mapping/zoning connection by ewing2001
April 12, 2007
Charles Falkenberg + Family
Victims of an evil NASA-9/11 perp plan?
More Falkenberg (The NASA/StarWars Connection) ... enberg.htm
Charles Falkenberg Lead Software Engineer ECOlogic Corporation 19 Eye Street Washington, DC 20001 voice: (202) 218-4100 fax: (202) 842-5088 email:
Charles Falkenberg holds a B.S. and an M.S. degree in computer science from the University of Maryland and has been developing software systems since 1980. He has developed scientific data delivery systems for oceanographers, ecosystem scientists and space scientists for the last 6 years and is currently is working with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) as part of NASA's Earth Science Information Partnerships (ESIP). He previously worked in Alaska on a data delivery system for ecosystem researchers evaluating the long term impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
One of the goals of the NASA ESIP program is to search and subset science data by geographic region. The UNH ESIP has therefore made a gazetteer central to the operation of the tool it is building to support terrestrial ecosystem research (WEBSTER). This web-based data retrieval tool will support standard gazetteer regions, specialized regions of interest to the user community, and regions that have been submitted by individual researchers as part of a single research effort. ... rence.html
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