By Danny Haszard (USA), Section United States of America
May 22, 2007
Utah Latest state to sue Eli Lilly in developing "Viva Zyprexa" Scandal.
Zyprexa targeted by AG's for Criminal Fraud.
Utah Latest state to sue Eli Lilly in developing "Viva Zyprexa" Scandal.
Side effects to Zyprexa can include high blood sugar levels, acute weight gain and pancreatitis, according to the lawsuit. ...

In 2004, the American Diabetes Association found that Zyprexa was more likely to cause diabetes than many other antipsychotic drugs.
A big hurdle with the Zyprexa issue is Lilly's credibility over their continuous PR on how they are going to pay out $1.2 billion long as they keep up this rhetoric and don't actually pay the issue won't go away.
They need to think about 'putting their money where their mouth is'. Look, propaganda ...
Flying High
Indianapolis Business Journal, IN - 5-26-07
For example, Lilly has settled 26000 Zyprexa lawsuits—for $1.2 billion. ]
Eli Lilly Zyprexa Hush Money
Zyprexa compensation fund now up to $1.2 billion,show us da money!
Consider this:
Latest media news PR "puff piece" sez that the Zyprexa compensation fund is up to $1.2 billion.Lilly's lawyers claim to have 'settled' the first wave (the so called 8,000) for $700 million.
Yesterday there are over 200 news wire Lilly press releases on how they are the good ole boys who will settle 18,000 MORE cases for $500 million ($27,000 per client)
DO THE MATH HERE- original 8,000 ~$700 million $87,000 per client half to lawyers?
Compare:today's news 18,000 for only $500 million equals $27,000 apiece ?
This sounds like bogus hush money rhetoric to appease Lilly critics? Their attached statement sez that these newer 18,000 cases are post 2003 black box warning and so have less merit/money.
Hello! I took zyprexa right out of the gate in 1996 I am possibly the #1 most viable and visible claimant and not only have I not been paid yet, I don't hear from them at all, something fishy here people.
Show us da money please!
Many of the longtime zyprexa users like myself who developed diabetes were given it 'off label' because it was being pushed on my doctor by Lilly drug reps.
The now notorious Zyprexa diabetes connection is elaborated at thousands of pages on line.
My own local clinic and clinics everywhere have stopped dispensing Zyprexa except as a PRN for acute cases.

Eli Lilly's $4.2 billion a year zyprexa gravy train will stall soon enough.
I am Daniel Haszard 4 year zyprexa user who got diabetes from it.
Under The Influence
April 1, 2007, CBS
60 Minutes' Steve Kroft Reports On Drug Lobbyists' Role in Passing Bill That Keeps Drug Prices High
NEW! Watch 1 minute CNN footage of "Off-Label" Usage report involving Eli Lilly and Zyprexa in RealPlayer format (dial-up) and Windows Media format (broadband) aired Dec. 19, 2006
My name is Daniel Haszard from Bangor Maine personal website
www.dannyhaszard.com I work as a counter-cult educator.
I was prescribed Zyprexa from 1996 until 2000.

I did not make legal discovery until Dec 2005 when I saw a television advertisement, only then did I make my Zyprexa/diabetes connection and was shocked. A special hardship in my case is an ileostomy from long-standing ulcerative colitis, this prevents me from eating a high fiber diet to control my blood sugar and adds to the cost my diabetes management.
Contact-Daniel Haszard POB 1503 Bangor Maine 04402-1503
Zyprexa and Women
In 2000, the Public Citizen recommended to the FDA that labeling and a box warning is included on Zyprexa to warn of the increased risk of pregnancy when being switched from first-generation antipsychotics to Zyprexa and women patients. The women not wishing to become pregnant should be recommended contraceptives and the information should be included in the doctor and patient Zyprexa label. Also recommended was for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to be required to research the issue of unwanted pregnancies occurring with Zyprexa use. ...
Drug Companies Still Peddling Risperdal and Zyprexa For Off-Label Use
June 17, 2006.
By Evelyn Pringle

How to taper off Zyprexa. click here
Eli Lilly being sued by the Florida Attorney General click here
If you are taking Zyprexa or thinking of taking Zyprexa and you are wondering about side effects or the potential of side effects with using Zyprexa, there is something you need to know. There is a way to predict adverse reactions with a very simple test.
Dr. Lester M. Crawford, Acting FDA Commissioner had this to say about this test on Dec. 24, 2004. “Physicians can use the genetic information from this test to prevent harmful drug interactions and to assure drugs are used optimally, which in some cases will enable patients to avoid less effective or potentially harmful treatment choices,”
As with all psychiatric medication, the pharmaceutical company, your doctor or psychiatrist can't state exactly what the medication does specially. It is only a guess.
What can be stated precisely, without hesitation, are the adverse reactions of the medication. Zyprexa side effects or adverse reaction are like all of the other psychiatric medications, extremely debilitating.
Zyprexa Side Effects
Zyprexa and it's effectiveness for longer-term use, that is, for more than 4 weeks treatment of an acute episode, and for prophylactic use in mania, has not been systematically evaluated in controlled clinical trials.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) - A potentially fatal symptom complex sometimes referred to as Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) has been reported in association with administration of antipsychotic drugs, including Zyprexa. Manifestations of (NMS) are hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity, altered mental status and evidence of autonomic instability (irregular pulse or blood pressure, tachycardia, diaphoresis and cardiac dysrhythmia), and acute renal failure.
Tardive Dyskinesia - A syndrome of potentially irreversible, involuntary, dyskinetic movements may develop in patients treated with Zyprexa. The risk of developing tardive dyskinesia and the likelihood that it will become irreversible are believed to increase as the duration of treatment and the total cumulative dose of Zyprexa increases.
There are no known treatments for tardive dyskinesia.
Orthostatic Hypotension (Lowered blood pressure when a person changes from a setting to an erect position) - Zyprexa may induce orthostatic hypotension associated with dizziness, tachycardia, and in some patients, syncope, especially during the initial dose-titration period. Zyprexa should be used with particular caution in patients with known cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and conditions which would predispose patients to hypotension.
Seizures - Seizures during premarketing test showed 22 of 2500 people developed seizures.
Potential for Cognitive and Motor Impairment - Sleepiness, unnatural drowsiness, was a commonly reported adverse event associated with Zyprexa treatment, occurring at an incidence of 26%. Since Zyprexa has the potential to impair judgment, thinking, or motor skills, patients should be cautioned about operating hazardous machinery, including automobiles.
"On May 3, 2002, Britain's Medicines Control Agency warned that several patients taking Eli Lilly's top selling drug Zyprexa (used to treat schizophrenia) had developed diabetes-related complications. In the Medicine Control Agency's Current Problems newsletter, the regulatory body said that the antipsychotic drug "can adversely affect blood glucose."
"Forty reports "of hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar), diabetes mellitus, or exacerbation of diabetes have been received in the UK. Four were associated with ketoacidosis and/or coma including one with a fatal outcome," according to the newsletter. "The precise mechanism of this suspected adverse drug reaction has not yet been elucidated and is currently being investigated further."
"This follows an emergency report issued in April 2002 by the Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry to Eli Lilly Japan KK concerning side effects of Zyprexa after the deaths of two diabetic users of the drug. It said seven other patients had lost consciousness or become comatose after taking the drugs in the last 10 months. The Japanese Ministry said no new diabetes patients should be treated with the drug and ordered Eli Lilly to warn doctors to closely monitor diabetics already on the medication."
"A paper written in late 2001 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reports the FDA has been alerted 19 case reports of diabetes associated with the use of Zyprexa. Of the 19 patients seven had newly diagnosed hyperglycemia. The sugar disorder developed within a week of taking Zyprexa in two patients and within six months for eight others. One patient ultimately died of necrotizing pancreatitis, a condition in which cells in the pancreas die.
"Personal injury attorneys are expected to file up to 10 lawsuits this month against Eli Lilly alleging the drugmaker failed to adequately disclose “serious side effects” associated with its schizophrenia and acute bipolar mania drug Zyprexa (olanzapine), plaintiffs’ lawyers announced last week. The San Francisco-based firm Hersh & Hersh recently filed two lawsuits over the drug and is filing 30 more on behalf of individuals who claim the drug led to such illnesses as diabetes, hyperglycemia and pancreatitis."