Blogger News Network | December 24th, 2009

Birchers were so rabidly conservative, even republican President Dwight David Eisenhower was considered a willing pawn of the vast communist conspiracy, the league of women voters were commie inspired shrews and fluoridation of water, a secret plot by the Stalinist’s to bring about socialized medicine and render American men impotent.
Civil rights according to Brother John was no less than a dastardly plan to establish a Negro soviet state in the good old US of A, which tied in logically with the fluoridation of water. The Birch society could demonstrate with pie charts and graphs way back when, that poisoning of water with fluoridation would first occur in white dominated urban areas, resulting in sex starved white women seeking comfort in the arms of colored men, who as any wise Caucasian of the age knew, were naturally over endowed, leaving white men who hadn’t been rendered limp by fluoridation feeling physically inferior.
Brother John warned that if the Negro obtained civil rights, vast swaths of the American heartland would within a couple generations, become havens of miscegenation and Negro domination. Most historians credit the late William F. Buckley with exposing the Birch society for what they were and putting an end to their political aspirations and influence, they never went away of course, but like the K.K.K the leaders of the movement suffered a complete collapse of credibility, political fortune and intellectual influence. Because the Birchers went out of fashion prior to the advent of modern video and sound bite technology, I speculate the current Grand Poobah assumed he could simply claim the liberal media was engaged in a slander and smear campaign when the facts were reported.

The Birchers of this generation may have erased or shredded any damming historical files and pamphlets the society posses, but it seems some folks kept boxes of old John Birch memorabilia. The current leaders of the GOP and conservative movement could care less the society is collection of rabid racists and intellectual half wits. Republicans smell blood in the water and they need warm bodies and cold cash as polls proclaim the President and his Party seem to quickly be losing favor with a majority of the electorate that will actually take time to vote in the midterms.