Names, email addresses and meeting times and locations have been removed from many of the items below. Some links lead to disturbing material published online by the National Socialist Movement.
07 July 06
"Hate Groups Are Infiltrating The Military, Group Asserts," by John Kifner, New York Times, 07 July 2006.
"Watchdog Group: More Neo-Nazis in Military," by Garry Mitchell, The Associated Press (Washington Post), 07 July o6.
Southern Poverty Law Center publishes report, "Racist extremists active in U.S. military; SPLC urges Rumsfeld to adopt zero-tolerance policy." [Text] [Html]
03 July 06
At the state Capitol today, 12-13 Nazis were confronted by 275 police officers and more than 500 opponents in a counter-rally organized by OMJP. A report.

"Neo-Nazis speak into sea of opponents; 500 foes, 200 troopers, 13 National Socialist Movement followers at rally," by Venice Buhain & Adam Wilson, The Olympian, 04 July 06.
Photo of nazi Nigel Fovargue taunting crowd by Steve Bloom, The Olympian
Photo of crowd by Steven M. Herppich, The Olympian
Photo of nazis by Steven M. Herppich, The Olympian
"Neo-Nazis outnumbered at Olympia rally; Protesters plentiful; Capitol security intense," by Richard Roesler, Spokesman-Review July 4, 2006.
"...group member Shawn Stuart claimed the group could have brought many more than 14. 'This is all our headquarters will allow us to have,' he said." Spokes-Rev slide show.
02 July 06
Several hundred people (and a few Nazis) attended Unity in the Community's festival at Sylvester Park.
"Diversity activists show united front; Neo-Nazis plan demonstration today" by Venice Buhain The Olympian, 03 July 06.
"School presidents stand united against neo-Nazi hatred" [Op-Ed] bY Thomas 'Les' Purce, Douglas Astolfi and Kenneth J. Minnaert, The Olympian, 02 July 06.
Unity Festival speakers embrace community diversity [video] by The Olympian, 02 July 06.
01 July 06
"Neo-Nazi rally set for Capitol; Group says it plans no violence or problems," by Richard Roesler, Spokesman-Review, 02 July 06. Nazi press conference at Capitol July 01.
19 June 06
Member[s] march, give out leaflets, The Olympian, 19 June 06.
19 June 06
Neo-Nazi leader hopes to be heard by Venice Buhain, The Olympian, 19 June 06.
19 June 06
Groups mobilize against neo-Nazis by Venice Buhain, The Olympian, 19 June 06.
18 June 06
Nazis strolling around Olympia today, confronted by townfolk, per eyewitness account.
11 June 06
Radio discussion of upcoming July rally in Olympia between Nazis Gary Nemeth and John Brandt. Gary Nemeth's web site is Voice of Action Radio.
07 April 06
Nazis post details of future April 19 community meeting on web site and exhort followers: "Let's visit and give the scumbags a bad day!" and "Local white power patriots are ordered to infiltrate and raise hell!" [archived text]
07 April 06
Jim Ramm's highly informative version (audio file) of the April 02 rally at the Capitol, in which he records sound from the rally and discussions with the State Police and his fellow nazis.
05 April 06
Power of dignity, editorial, Spokesman-Review.
04 April 06
The NSM's web page targeting Olympians is offline tonight. Nonetheless, its front page makes a feeble attempt to take up the slack, text archived here.

The Austin American-Statesman falsely reports that "Altercations broke out between protesters and National Socialist Movement members at a neo-Nazi rally that took place on the steps of the Capitol in Olympia."
03 April 06
Protesters, neo-Nazis meet again; State Patrol breaks up rally early on steps of Capitol by Venice Buhain, The Olympian.
02 April 06
Neo-Nazi Members Outnumbered By Counter-Protestors At Capitol by KIRO TV. Identical story published in the Seattle PI and broadcast via KOMO news.
02 April 06
Neo-Nazi rally met by protesters, police on Capitol steps, The Olympian.
02 April 06
Once again, nazis were forced out of Olympia. Seven nazis were confronted by 100-150 anti-racism activists at the Capitol. (The nazi's lied again, first saying they would rally in Sylvester Park and then claiming they had cancelled the event.). A concurrent event by Olympia Unity in the Community at Heritage Park was also a success (speech by Pete Bohmer). Photos: at Capitol steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; police escort nazis to State Police van (driven by an African-American police officer) 13 14 15 16 17; activists await nazis at nazi van 18 19 20 and decorate windshield 21 with flowers and notes; police transfer nazis from State Police van to nazi vehicle 22 23 24 25 26; some final messages 27 28. Additional photos from the community: police dislodge nazis from Capitol steps 29; Oly community escorts nazis as they withdraw 30; State Police 31.
01 April 06
Larry Mosqueda is targeted by nazi Bill White, administrator of the web site Overthrow.com, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the second most popular racist site on the Internet after Stormfront. Bill White's troubled history extends from his roots as a middle high school anarchist through some 22 arrests for assault, weapons, explosives, property destruction, graffiti and use of false identification, to spokesman for the National Socialist Movement and leader of its Roanoke, Virginia chapter.
01 April 06
Rallies planned to offset neo-Nazis by Diane Huber, The Olympian.
01 April 06
Nazis promote July 2-4 rally & "White Unity Gathering" at State Capitol in Olympia.
01 April 06
Flyers are prepared and distributed, the media is notified, and radio stations announce two coordinated events scheduled for Sunday April 02 to counter nazi presence. One group will meet in Sylvester Park at 11am with the intention of directly confronting the nazis. The other group will offer a pro-diversity, anti-hate message at Heritage Park at noon.
31 Mar 06
OMJP and area colleagues meet to plan response to nazis. OMJP issues statement.
30 Mar 06
A local family schedules a meeting to plan a community response to anticipated nazi presence in Olympia.
30 Mar 06
The NSM posts on its web site its intention to rally in Olympia on Sunday April 02. It subsequently posts "NSM Olympia RALLY GOYIM UNITE! Is cancelled for April 2. We will return to Olympia on April 20th: Hitler's Birthday." Local activists have reason to suspect the cancellation is a ruse.
24 Mar 06
NSM steps up attacks on Olympians, singling out long-time peace and social justice activist and educator Pete Bohmer as well as OMJP, Media Island and Free Radio Olympia. The NSM published online the photographs of, and email, home and work addresses and phone numbers of targeted individuals, and the times and locations of organizational meetings.
22 Mar 06
NSM Co-Opts Rachel's Story to falsely support its racist ideology. [Archived Text]
19 Mar 06
Olympia Unity in the Community lauched its web site.
15 Mar 06
The Diveristy Poster Campaign and Education subcommittees of Olympia Unity in the Community met.
06 Mar 06
Neo-Nazis force a hard calculation; Activists plot proper response to July rally at Capitol by Jennifer Latson, The Olympian.
03 Mar 06
Hate message is unwelcome, Editorial, The Olympian.
02 Mar 06
Hatred has no place here, Editorial, The Olympian.
25 Feb 06
Nazis plan rally & white unity gathering at state capitol, by the NSM.
23 Feb 06
Racist messages dumped on lawns by Jennifer Latson, The Olympian.
22 Feb 06
An organizing meeting was held in Olympia and attended by 70 concerned citizens, clergy, and representatives from community organizations, the Olympia Police Department and the Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney's Office.
King5 Seattle reports the distribution of easter eggs filled with hate and pornographic messages throughout Lacey, Tumwater and Olympia. Photo
19 Feb 06
Nazi's attack individual Olympians, media outlets, Oly blogs and Free Radio Olympia on their web site at http://www.nukeisrael.com/seattleprotest/sarah.htm. The page's text is archived here.
Two Olympians wrote to web site owner Jim Ramm (aka Matthew Ramsey) at mindfelon@yahoo.com, cc'd to the Seattle FBI at fbise@leo.gov and requested to be added to his list of enemies.
18 Feb 06
Free Radio Olympia and Oly Unity report that Nazi's have called upon all white supremacists to converge on Olympia July 2-4 for a rally at the Capitol.
14 Feb 06
Who Are Those Neo-Nazis? by KLM. All about Jim Ramm (Matthew Ramsey) and Justin Boyer.
06 Feb 06
"Woman who sheltered Jews in WWII dies," by Barry Ginter, The Olympian.
03 Feb 06
"Olympia does not welcome Nazis for long weekend," by AS. Community meeting scheduled.
02 Feb 06
"Neo-Nazi group has date at Capitol," by Adam Wilson, The Olympian.
01 Feb 06
Correction: Nazi permit for Monday, 03 July, 2-4 pm on the State Capitol Steps, by AS
31 Jan 06
Activist meeting scheduled for Feb 03 at a local restaurant, per S
Nazi permit for Capitol steps 02 July, 2-4 pm confirmed by DH
Nazis plan Olympia campout and rally July 2-4 by DL
29 Jan 06
Oly Unity e-list begun.
28 Jan 06
Why Nazis Can Not Be Ignored: 1992 Murder of Bob Buchanan, by LM
25 Jan 06
Olympia United Against Hate (Oly Unity) blog begun at http://olyunity.blogspot.com/.
"Olympia Community Stands Up to Nazis," by Peter Bohmer, ZNet, 25 Jan 06.
23 Jan 06
"Eight neo-Nazis draw far more in response," by Venice Buhain, The Olympian
22 Jan 06
[On January 22, 150-200 residents rallied to oppose the presence of Nazis in Olympia.]
A summary of the Anti-racist, anti-Nazi protest by Pete Bohmer
Olympia Residents Stop Nazi March by PP
Proud of Olympia: Why Hate Groups Should Not Be Ignored by ZG
"Police, counter-demonstrators outnumber participants at Olympia neo-Nazi rally," by Venice Buhain, The Olympian.
Nazi report on rally and Nazi photos
Olympia activist Drew Hendricks photographed Nazi license plate numbers:
(both dark grey)
A63421W Nissan Pickup
A24713Y Chevy Pickup
Olympia grandmother from Dachau to march
21 Jan 06
The Olympian reports that Nazis will rally in Olympia tomorrow.
OMJP notifies community, schedules counter-rally in coalition with others.
another world is possible . . .