Also see, "Jackboot Law Advances in the Philippines: NCCP Statement on the 'Human Security Act'":
As government prepares to implement the anti-terrorism law, the Communist Party of the Philippines ordered its armed wing New People’s Army to intensify offensives against government.
The CPP, in its primer on how to deal with the Human Security Act, also called on Filipinos to wage an “all-out struggle" against the HSA.
“In response to the HSA’s enactment, the NPA will continuously intensify and wage more frequent tactical offensives nationwide. Each tactical offensive will serve as a substantial contribution to punishing the Arroyo regime and its minions for masterminding and implementing political killings, terrorism and other atrocities against the people," it said in the primer posted on its website (www.philippinerevolution.net).
On the other hand, the CPP also warned that the anti-terror law may be used to pave the way for Charter Change, particularly to legalize the prohibition and persecution of all opposition.
These changes will in turn open the floodgates to more reactionary provisions favorable to local and foreign capitalists.
“The HSA is expected to create the illusion of stability in exchange for the support of foreign enterprises and their big comprador business cohorts in the country. Protest actions calling for higher wages, land reform and defense of patrimony will be suppressed to assuage the fears of big foreign and comprador investors and secure or maintain their support for Arroyo," it said.
According to the CPP, the struggle to junk the HSA is “closely linked to the struggle to end the US-Arroyo regime’s fascist rule."
The primer also called for the mass movement to expand the united front against the HSA to include the mass organizations, progressive parties, and the political opposition.
It urged them to expose the HSA’s fascist content and objectives through forums, including the mass media and the Internet.
Other possible forums also include schools, communities and factories and other places “to expose to the broad masses how the HSA will suppress civil liberties and intensify the people’s suffering."
The CPP likewise encouraged creative means of protest particularly in the streets, in schools, factories and communities to show the people’s anger and opposition.
“Expand international condemnation of the Arroyo regime by exposing its bloody record of human rights violations. Encourage various international organizations, agencies and personalities to express solidarity with the Filipino people and voice out their opposition to the HSA and fascist suppression," it added.
The CPP, which branded the HSA as state terrorism, said safeguards to the HSA are “just token in nature" and “merely sugarcoat" broad powers to sow state terrorism.
One example is the martial law power to detain a suspected “terrorist" for up to three days without charges. Arroyo officials had asked for at least 30 days.
The CPP likewise noted even the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) appealed to Arroyo last July 9 to reconsider the HSA.
At the Senate, Ana Consuelo Madrigal has filed a bill to junk the HSA, which she called the most dangerous piece of legislation ever enacted by the Philippine Congress.
Various lawyers’ groups are planning to file a petition before the Supreme Court to repeal the HSA.
"Despite such widespread opposition, Arroyo has obstinately declared that the HSA will be enforced as soon as it takes effect on July 15," CPP said.
“The HSA is essentially a rabidly fascist law, through which undeclared martial law may be imposed. It grants broad powers to the reactionary state to use fascist instruments (the military, police, the courts and prisons) to sow more intense, widespread and open terrorism against the people," it said.
The CPP said the HSA allows the state to conduct surveillance on its opponents, detain them for more than three days, and pening and controlling bank deposits, accounts and records.
On the other hand, it said it was “extremely ironic" that the members of the Anti-Terrorism Council will be composed of persons currently comprising the Cabinet Oversight Committee on Internal Security.
It said COCIS consists of “infamous militarists and rabid reactionaries" like Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez and National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales.
“They are the masterminds behind the campaign of terror and relentless killings and suppression of democratic forces, staunch oppositionists and the people," it said.
"Through the Anti-Terrorism, Council, we can expect even more unbridled attacks against activists, lawyers, church people, media persons and other forces opposed to the Arroyo regime," it said.
On the other hand, the CPP primer said the HSA will serve as a brutal counterrevolutionary and fascist instrument akin to Marcos’ martial law.
“Arroyo will use it to gag the people and suppress their mass movement. Mass actions and calls for Arroyo’s resignation or ouster will be branded as ‘terrorist’ to justify the dispersal of protest actions and attempts to stem their expansion," it said. - GMANews.TV