Rostock, Germany
Indymedia post
June 30 2007
Policemen from seven states protected a Nazi demonstration in Rostock. 180 of the expected 500 Fascists came into the city. Their route was blocked several times by counter protesters. By now, a number of 800 antifascists has been counted. The demonstration was organized by the Neonazi party NPD against the protests and direct actions of residents against a newly opened Nazi store ("East Coast Corner") in their neighborhood.
Rostock, Saturday, June 30th
Today, 2000 policemen, from seven states, protected a Nazi demonstration in Rostock. 180 of the expected 500 Fascists came into the city. Their route was blocked several times by counter protesters. By now, a number of 800 antifascists has been counted.
The demonstration was organized by the Neonazi party NPD against the protests and direct actions of residents against a newly opened Nazi store ("East Coast Corner") in their neighborhood. The Nazi demonstration went on until 7pm.
Also, a severe Nazi assault was reported this afternoon. In a train to Rostock, 70 Antifascists, coming from the Fusion festival, faced 100 Neonazis.
In Pölchow, a village few miles away from Rostock, the Nazis attacked the Antifascists.
They came from different sides, broke windows, blocked escape routes, dragged singled persons outside, kicked them and beat them with clubs. Several people were beaten unconscious, and had memory loss afterwards.
A baby suffered cuts from the breaking glass.
According to eye-witness reports, the Nazis filmed and photographed the attack with cellphone and digital cameras.
No policemen were seen anywhere, only 30 minutes later police units arrived in Pölchow, but instead of taking care of the aggressors, the police filmed the victims and took the personal data of some of them.
None of the Neonazis were arrested.
Afterwards the police put both groups back into the same train to Rostock. In Rostock, the police took the data of the remaining victims. According to reports, some of the traumatized victims, that were shivering and crying, were ridiculed by the present policemen.
The Fascists, tho, were able to join their "Kameraden" on the Nazi demonstration. 20 people were seriously injured, some of them children, the Nazis collected enough evidence for their own trials, but the police refused to take action, and none of them got arrested. Instead the police attacked people who opposed the Neonazis on the street with clubs and water cannons.
The aussalters came from Berlin, Güstrow, Wismar, Bad Doberan and districts in Ostvorpommern. The NPD-state's parliament representatives Udo Pastörs, Stefan Köster and Tino Müller were seen on the train.
One of the ringleaders of the attack can be seen on this picture, the man on the left, with the suit jacket: http://media.de.indymedia.org/images/2007/06/186184.jpg
The Neonazis call for another demonstration on July 7th in Rostock.
newsticker of that day(on german): http://de.indymedia.org/2007/06/186271.shtml
german report of the Nazi asault: http://de.indymedia.org/2007/06/186531.shtml
July 01 2007 @ 04:18 PM PDT
Rostock: Antifa vs Nazis, 10:0-the Antifascist Resistance against a Nazi store
Monday, June 25 2007 @ 04:18 PM PDT
Contributed by: Anonymous
Here is a rough time line based on German Indymedia reports...
June 15th, Friday, 3:30pm, Rostock. 70 Antifascists assemble in the alternative student district Kröpeliner Tor Vorstadt (short:KTV), to protest a newly opened Nazi shop in Doberaner Street, corner Budapester Street. The shop is called East Coast Corner and is run by notorious Nazi activists from the NPD, Ex-Blood & Honor, and the Kameradschafts* spectrum.
Thorsten de Vries**, the shop owner, claims that his shop is just a normal shop for the "youth culture", although it is known to sell clothes of the Nazi brand Thor Steinar, and T-Shirts with "88"*** prints.
* hard to translate (comradeships?), basically: autonomist Nazi groups with loose connections to the NPD.
**on the photo he wears a brown T-Shirt with Hamburg printed on it, also wears a metall tube
*** 88=HH=Heil Hitler, Nazis use these cryptic numbers as symblos, since the original Nazi symbols are illegal in the FRG.
http://de.indymedia.org/2007/06/184965.shtml (with photos)
June 21st, in the last days, a window was broken, construction foam blocked the shutter, somebody spray painted "Nazis Raus" (=Nazis out) on the shop entrance.
2.30 am, a young man is being chased by a group of Nazis. He shouts for help, neighbors wake up, police arrives. The young man is under shock, and is being taken away by an ambulance. The police ignores the Nazis.
June 22nd, "in the last six days, the shop was attacked seven times by Lefties with minor damage, last night too, some people tried to destroy private property. But for now, those people lost their desire for nightly riots (I can guarantee that)..." altermedia* 6/21, 12:18 pm.
Shortly after Midnight, a black bloc of 50 rushed to the Nazi shop. firecrackers, stones and bottles crashed against the shutters of the store. A police car had to flee the scene after being attacked with stones.
According to reports, the owner, who slept in the store, was surprised by the attack, panicked and tried to defend himself with pepper spray.
The attack lasted a some long minutes, and the shutters, some windows and the entrance door were damaged.
Shouting slogans, the group of 50 dispersed into the night, leaving a waste land of turned over dumpsters. the police came back with reinforcements, but had to retreat quite often and couldn't move fast enough, since the streets were blocked by dumpsters. 2 police men were reported to be injured. No arrests.
* Nazi rip-off of Indymedia, without open posting, tho.
June 23rd to 24th
Riots at night
Again, a 150 people tried to attack the Nazi shop, which now was protected by a line of riot cops. The antifascist attacked the police with bottles, stones and fireworks, but than turned their attention to 20 Nazis standing in front of the store. At the same time, 50 people peacefully blocked the street close to the Nazi shop.
The national resistance had to go more and more into defense and was only rescued by the police, which again, seemed surprised by the antifascist resistance, and tried to make up for it with random arrests.
The police report talks about 40 arrests, 200 policemen in action, 14 policemen with minor injuries, and one cop car damaged.
http://de.indymedia.org/2007/06/185960.shtml (photos)
Monday ... the Nazis are pissed. Supposedly they declared Rostock to a "front" city, and called for murder and torture in their Internet forums. Supposedly, too, from now on Kameradschaft's members will be brought to Rostock on every weekend.
"The Left has asked the "question of power", and we'll answer!", they say.
The local Antifa takes it cool: "they only were able to put up 20 people on the weekend, even when they come with more...We live here, we have time. the police can't protect this shop for ever." "and even when it becomes necessary, we expect support on a federal level".